Page 44 of The Golden Boys
He steps toward Scar’s booth and I’m immediately on high alert. Sure enough, he reaches his filthy hand toward a stack of snickerdoodles and I’m not having it.
“Got a dollar?” I ask, getting to my feet as I stare him down. “Because that’s the only way you’re takinganythingoff that table.”
His hateful glare lands on me and I give it right back to him.
“Where the hell do you think this shit came from? My damn kitchen,” he declares, making my blood boil.
“Mike, you haven’t spent a dime on groceries in years and you and I both know it,” I seethe. “So, if you don’t cough up the cash, you get nothing.”
And I mean that with everything in me. All he’s ever done is take, and I refuse to let him belittle what Scar’s doing here tonight. To help out with bills, no less.
A long, intense silence passes between us and I’m fully committed to sucker punching him if he touches a single chocolate chip.
His gaze slips back toward Scar’s merchandise, and then to me.
“You’re just like your mother, you know that?” he asks. “A world-class bitch.”
He turns to walk away and, without even thinking about my actions, I lunge at him. Had it not been for the arm that catches my waist, I would’ve knocked Mike right on his drunk ass.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Ricky says in my ear, holding my back flush against his chest until Mike’s made it inside again. “You know he’s always talking out the side of his neck. He’ll forget everything he said when he sobers up.”
But the problem isInever forget. I carry every hateful thing he’s ever done or said with me like an old suitcase weighing me down.
“I’m fine,” I snap, snatching out of Ricky’s grasp. But he knows I’m only pissed at my dad, not at him.
Scar’s trying to pretend our father’s antics don’t affect her, but I know better. I realize Shane’s aware of it too when my gaze lowers, to where his hand is linked with my sister’s.
“Why don’t we walk until you cool off?”
Ricky barely has the suggestion out of his mouth when Jules agrees. “Yep, go. I’ll keep an eye on the kiddos.”
“We’re not kids,” Scar sing-songs.
“You’re whatever I say you are,” Jules teases in the same tone.
I feel hot all over, brimming with anger as I glare at the house. Knowing he’s inside makes me want to burn the damn thing right to the ground.
“Know what’s better than walking?” Ricky asks. “Dancing.”
I throw my head back. “Absolutely not.”
Even as I’m protesting, he’s dragging me out toward the street, closer to the gigantic speaker set up by the DJ. Since I refuse to move, Ricky takes my hands and makes me sway awkwardly to the beat. It’s only a matter of time before I can’t take it and a laugh slips out.
I meet his gaze and the negative energy starts to burn off. He tends to have that effect on me often. It seems he notices when my mood lightens and drops my hands, placing his own on my waist.
Too much. Way too much.
“We should go back.” Isoundcasual, but I’m anything but that at the moment.
He smirks and draws me even closer to speak over the music. “Why? Because your boyfriend’s watching us?”
At first, I don’t know what to make of that, but then, as I scan our surroundings, I put two and two together.
The Golden boys.
They’re posted on the other side of the street, but Dane and Sterling are focused on their own conversation with Joss and a couple players from the team. However, there’s no question who hasWest’sattention.
Lucky me.