Page 72 of The Golden Boys
Heidi and Ariana are called next, then two other chicks from the dance squad, but I can’t remember either one’s name. Despite banging one of them once after a party. At least, Ithinkit was her.
Anyway, the production finally ends, and we move into a speech about how we’re expected to conduct ourselves should tonight’s big game be a win. The usual—no excessive celebrating on the field or any other displays of poor sportsmanship. Of course, we’re gonna win. With four games under our belts in four weeks, it’s inevitable.
Next, Harrison starts in on the rules for tomorrow night’s dance. He starts with ‘notwerking, nobumpingandgrinding’—his words, definitely not mine—and ‘nosmoking on the premises’.In short, I’m positive everyone’s tuning him out right now. We’ll do all those things and he won’t do shit about it.
I zone out and scan the crowd, and it doesn’t surprise me when my gaze lands on Southside. She’s watching me, too, and damn if I’m not still thinking about her storming into the locker room a couple weeks ago. I’d never been naked in a girl’s presence without things escalating. Definitely had never had one walk out on me, leaving me hanging.
Literally, in this instance.
But Southside isn’t like other girls. For one, I’ve never hated and wanted someone at the same time. She’s the ultimate forbidden fruit. The one I’ve sworn off.
An innocent smirk touches her soft, pink lips and I hate that I know how they feel. Hate that I’ve wanted to have them on mine again more times than I can count.
She stands and my brow tenses. In the middle of Harrison’s speech, she walks down the bleachers, and then as soon as she makes it down to the floor, my eyes are glued to her ass. It’s round and perfect and …
Shaking my head, I get my thoughts straight. She doesn’t get to do that, distract me from hating her. Not when I have such a good reason behind it.
She casts a look over her shoulder and it lands right on me. That sassy up-to-no-good grin is still there and if I weren’t standing at the center of attention right now, I’d see what she was up to.
She disappears and Rodriquez follows right behind her. There still hadn’t been any repercussion for the stunt I pulled with her car a couple weeks ago and I can admit I’ve been on edge ever since. She doesn’t take anything lying down, which, if I’m being honest, I find hot as hell. Even if it’s also her most annoying trait.
Whatever the case, I’m stuck standing here, playing the part of North Cypress royalty. Smirking to myself, I’m positive she’ll soon be evening the score, and I’ll know soon enough.
If I’m right, she already knows I’ll be giving that shit right back to her.
* * *
I haven’t felt this good in a really,reallylong time. Driving down my street, it even seems prettier than usual. Maybe it’s the changing leaves or the Halloween decorations all the neighbors put out the first day of October, but I’m definitely in a great mood, seeing my surroundings in brighter colors.
Then again, it could have something to do with the two garbage bags in my backseat, knowing I just scored myself a huge win.
Getting to witness the outcome of my well-played move during tonight’s game will be the icing on top. The thing that makes what I risked today all worth it.
I tap the brake and turn into my driveway, only to find someone else parked in my spot. Ricky’s posted against his sleek, black motorcycle, both arms crossed over his chest. His gaze is locked on me through my windshield, but his expression’s hard to read.
Killing the engine, I climb out and approach him with caution. I never did get around to apologizing after our last conversation, when he showed up during the game a few weeks ago. Since then, the tension between us has only grown. So, standing face-to-face with him now, I feel super awkward.
“Hey,” I say a little quieter than usual. And a little less sassy, too.
He nods but doesn’t return the greeting. Instead, his gaze lowers to where I have my thumbs hooked on both pockets of my jeans. When his eyes narrow, I look there, too.
“Art class?” he asks, referring to the pink spray paint staining my fingers.
I tuck them behind my back and feel gratefulhewas the only one who noticed. Would’ve sucked if someone else had peeped the evidence tying me to what I’d done.
“Uh … no. Not exactly,” is the only answer I give. “What’s up? Why’d you stop by?”
His gaze flashes to mine again and his head cocks. “Why am Ialwayshere?”
Rolling my eyes, I move to step past him. “I’m not doing this with you anymore, Ricky. I ca—”
“Blue, he’s out of here in less than a week,” he cut in. “If you don’t go now, you’re gonna be making an eight-hour drive north if you ever want to see him. And you and I both know that ain’t gonna happen. Not if you aren’t even willing to drive thirty minutes.”