Page 79 of The Golden Boys
“That was it? No explanation? Just‘Watch your back’?” Jules asks, staring at my reflection in the mirror, waiting for an answer.
“Yep. Pretty much.”
My gaze lowers and my thoughts are all over the place. Jules has been a welcomed distraction tonight, even if the reason for her visit still has me wanting to slam my head against a wall.
I had zero plans to go to the Homecoming dance, but she has a way of pressuring me into things I don’t want to do. Naturally, that got us both into a lot of trouble growing up. She offered to buy our tickets at the door and promises we’ll have a blast, but I’m almost positive we’ll have whatever the opposite of that would equate to.
She made it hard to shoot down her idea by having Scar already settled at Uncle Dusty’s for an overnight visit tonight. Plus, there’s an array of dresses, makeup, accessories, and hair tools laid out on my bed that all look like torture devices to me. After crying my eyes out on her shoulder without explanation after returning home from my visit with Hunter, she instructed me to shower and leave the rest to her.
So, this—me seated in a chair while she does a professional-level makeup job on my face and hair—is me leaving the rest to her.
“There,” she says with a smile, pushing a bundle of beach waves forward over both my shoulders.
I can’t help but to stare because, with the glossy red lipstick she added, it’s hard not to see my mother staring back at me.
“Now, the dress,” she adds with a chipper grin.
I stand in my robe and follow her over to my bed where she’s laid out everything she hauled over from her house.
“Take your pick,” she insists.
I scan the lot and can’t help but notice thateverydresslooks like I’ll get sent home for indecent exposure, which is when an idea occurs to me. Getting sent home isn’t such a bad plan. At least Jules would feel like I tried to be sociable, while all Ireallywant to do is sulk under a blanket.
“I’ll take this one.”
She eyes me as I grab a black, bodycon number with modest, long sleeves, but the modesty ends there. It’s sure to be tight and short, which should get me kicked out of there and back home in no time.
“Awesome,” she beams. “I’ve got the perfect silver lariat necklace and black bondage booties to go with it.”
“Bondage booties? Sounds like pirate porn.”
Laughing, she rolls her eyes seconds before another wave of excitement hits her. “Oh! And I’ll wear black, too. That way we’ll complement each other when we’re side by side.”
Our gazes lock and she grabs my hands.
“Get excited, girl! You’re about to steal the show tonight.” She pops a brow before saying more. “And if West has a pulse, he’ll be eating out the palm of your hand within seconds of seeing you in this dress. You know, assuming he isn’t already.” Her brow wiggles again, being anything but subtle.
I force a smile, and let it fade the moment she turns her back to gather accessories.
Why on Earth did she have to mention his name?
Right away, last night’s kiss sends a burst of heat up my torso and chest, bringing warmth to my neck and face. This boy burns me up on the inside. With rage, lust.
Our game of cat and mouse is beginning to take a turn, losing some of its predictability, leaving me to wonder if he hates the things I do and say in retaliation or … secretly gets off on them.
Hell, maybe webothdo to a degree.
I need so much help.
A heavy sigh puffs from my lips as I peel the dress off its hanger, heading toward the bathroom to change.
Dear, Lord. Please let this night be over as quickly as possible. Before I do something stupid that I’lldefinitelyregret later.
* * *