Page 83 of The Golden Boys
My eyes open when he backs off a few inches. At first, he’s focused only on me, but then he casts his attention toward the dark, empty classroom beside us. When he stares me down again, I know exactly what he’s thinking.
What gives him away is that suggestive grin set on his lips. I bite my own, hardly able to contain myself, thinking of how soft and hot his are.
“You should follow me,” he groans, looking like he’ll pass out from lust overload.
“Why on Earth would I do a thing like that?” I ask with a smirk.
He passes a sweeping look down to my breasts, and then flashes back to my eyes. “Because I want you.” He admits that so freely it knocks the wind out of me.
For several seconds, I consider his offer, but then I come to my senses. His gaze flickers to my lips when a faint smile breaks through.
“Absolutely not. Never in a million years, actually.” Isoundconfident, but I’m only half-thinking I have the will to resist.
Whereas most guys would feel defeated by being rejected, not West. I swear it seems he’s even more turned on than before.
“Come on, Southside,” he croons in my ear.
Something about his tone makes me think I’ll be missing out if I don’t take him up on what he’s offering.
“Imagine how good it’ll feel to stop pretending; how good it’ll feel to just … fuck and get it out our damn systems.” His breath moves strands of my hair and I swear I can’t feel my legs.
I smile and am now thoroughly convinced I’m equally as psychotic as him, because I don’t disagree with anything he just said.
“West, we don’t even like each other,” I remind him. “Hell, most days, I kind of want you dead.”
He leans away to catch my eyes. “And if any of that shit really mattered, you wouldn’t be thinking about giving in right now.”
I hate that he reads me so well, calling my bluff more often than I care to admit.
He invades my space even more, pressing into me so I feel him completely, ending all doubt as to whether he intends to go through with this.
“You know why this works?” His tone drags as his lips move against my ear. “Because we’rebothfucked up.”
I’m hazy all over again, feeling my eyes flutter closed.
“You’ve put me through hell this past month,” I remind him, which draws the sexiest laugh out of this bastard. And what does my sadistic ass do? I melt against him.
“And you ruined my shit before the game, making us even. So, why don’t we just call all that what it is.”
Breathless when he grinds into me, a question falls from my lips. “What’s that?”
The tip of his tongue slowly passes over the tendon on the side of my neck, bringing his mouth back to my ear to utter one word.
I didn’t realize it was possible to want something more than air, but on this night, West taught me that this feeling does, indeed, exist.
“Just give in, Southside.”
If he has any idea how close I am to letting him have his way, he’ll tip me over that edge for sure, which is why I have to be smart. Which is why I must find it within me to push him away.
I feel actual pain when my hands land on his chest, forcing space between us. He doesn’t resist, giving me a few inches to breathe.
“West, I’m not sleeping with you.”
“Who said anything about sleep?”
When I peer up, I find him hard to read. “Despite what you think about girls from my side of town, I don’t just open my legs for every guy who asks politely.”