Page 95 of The Golden Boys
Something’s happening inside me. There’s this buzzing, some kind of energy that goes haywire when West is around. As much as I’d like to think it’s all bad, that would be a lie. The part of me that’s twisted like my mother sort of enjoys the raw, unbridled interaction, neither of us the least bit concerned with niceties or holding our tongues.
Whatever comes to mind, we just say it—sharp edges and all.
“You know what I think?” West asks, cutting into my thoughts as I watch Lexi from a distance. Her hands just shot up into the air, which means she’s still on a winning streak.
“What’s that?”
“I think you hate that your sister actually likes me,” he shares. “You hate that I got inside her head, but most of all, you hate that she missed it.”
My gaze leaves Lexi now, landing solely on West as the dim light of the lantern beside us outlines his pecs.
“What are you talking about?” I ask, already feeling heat seep beneath my skin.
He smirks again but takes a swig from his drink before answering. “She missed that I’m not one of the good guys.”
A surge of air fills my lungs and I’m looking at him, but not seeing him. Instead, my mind goes back to that night, the block party. I envision how Scar lit up at the sight of him, and even more so when he dropped a hundred-dollar bill into her jar.
“And what you hate even more,” West adds, “…is thatyoumissed it.”
I feel sick to my stomach. Because … he’s right.
Ididlet him slip under the radar. My first impression—even mysecondimpression—was all wrong. He’s nothing like that scorching hot exterior suggests. Inside, he’s nothing but emptiness, haunted corridors, and darkness.
Just like me.
“When are you gonna just admit it?” he asks with a humorless laugh.
My brow gathers. “You care an awful lot about whatIthink, while what youshouldbe worried about is your girlfriend staring us down like she wants to set us both on fire,” I shoot back.
At those words, West’s gaze wanders across the graveyard to where Parker’s glaring with the heat of a thousand suns burning in her eyes. I don’t hate that it gets under her skin seeing West standing so close. Bitch deserves it.
“Fuck Parker,” he says with immeasurable disgust.
Caught off guard by how boldly he’s just spoken, I snap a look in his direction.
“Now that we’ve gottenthatout of the way,” he continues with a widening grin, “you ready to admit it?”
Frustrated for too many reasons to name, I roll my eyes. “Admit what, West?”
“That you want me,” he answers quickly. “That you made a mistake turning me down a few weeks ago.”
He’s so focused on this conversation that he’s turned to face me full-on now. I also notice he hasn’t blinked even once since I peered up at him.
My heart does this weird thing I can’t explain, but I give nothing away, keeping my expression even.
“Well, I suppose I’ll admit all that around the same timeyouadmit you’re an ass and have secretly wantedme,since day one. So, I guess that would be, mmm … never?”
Laughing at the ridiculousness of it all, I take a step away, thinking this would be the perfect time to make my escape. Only, I feel a firm grip at the bend of my elbow, and it causes me to stumble back in place. My back slams firmly against West’s chest and I feel his racing heart. When he leans down to speak into my ear, I stare out across the sea of headstones to Parker, our audience of one.
“How about I call your bluff,” he says, loosening his grip as both his hands move to my waist.
I’m holding my breath, and the only thought in my head is a memory of his delicious mouth. Even now, I remember its heat, imagining it moving over my skin.
“I’m an ass,” he admits with an air of honesty I don’t miss. “And I’ve wanted you since day one.” He’s challenging me, throwing my dare right back in my face.
“West, I…”
“Don’t feed me that bull about all the shit I’ve done,” he groans against my ear, “because the things I’ve done would only hurt someonenormal. And own it, Southside. We’re both pretty fucking far from normal.”