Page 50 of Never His Girl
“Mostly, I guess it was just awkward waking up naked beside someone you’re not entirely sure doesn’t hate you, but—"
“Wait a second,” Joss cuts in. She sits up and pops a brow at me, smiling. “I thought you said there was no sex.”
There’s a curious accusation in her tone that I don’t miss. I’m also aware of the fact that I’ve just said too much. Again. Which has me thinking I’m starting to develop my mother’s condition: word vomit.
Good job, asshat.
“Joss, just… don’t start. Please,” I say with a sigh.
My discomfort has her smiling bigger now. “You can’t just leave us hanging, West. You left something out. Somethingmajor,” she teases, resting on her fist while eyeing me.
“Honestly? I kind of wanna hear this, too,” Sterling jumps in. “I mean, if you two weren’t getting it on, but youwerenaked,somethingsure as hell went down.”
“Didshego down?” Dane guesses.
“No…youwent down! Didn’t you, West!?!?” Joss cuts in with a gasp. I can hear the amusement in her voice and I kind of fucking hate her right now.
I’m shaking my head as I turn to gaze out the window, avoiding any and all eye contact. This is about to get real fun. Only, in reverse.
“That’s it isn’t it?!?!” she squeals. “Mr. Bigshot, QB-1 broke his own cardinal rule!”
“Settle down,” Dane cuts in, coming to my defense. “Not possible. We all know West is strictly a receiver, not a giver, in the oral department.”
Annoyed, I’m chewing the side of my lip like it’s a steak, and when I fail to deny Joss’s accusation, Dane’s traitorous ass turns on me, too.
“Then again, Southside does kind of have your punk ass whipped,” he says.
“Was it uncomfortable?” Joss starts. “Did you like it? Oooh! Didshelike it?”
“Shut the fuck up,” I mumble, not answering a single one of her dumb ass questions. Not out loud anyway.
They’re not wrong; I’d never done that for a girl. Not before last night. Of course, I’ve wondered if I got it right, but then I stop doubting when I remember how hard she came, and then how fast she fell asleep afterward. For a newb, I’m pretty sure I killed that shit.
Who ever said porn is useless?
There wasn’t much thought that went into it beforehand. Timing felt right, she seemed down for whatever, so I went with it. Only, I hadn’t anticipated she’d jet back to South Cypress right after taking pics at the game. At least, that’s what Pandora’s reporting. Her friend with the red hair popped up at the hotel, helped Southside load up her things, then they took off.
I mean, I didn’t expect her to completely soften toward me in one night, but damn. Not even a‘see you later, asshole’before she hightailed it home?
It dawns on me that I’m practically pining over her when I start scrolling through Pandora’s pics again, checking to see if any were taken of her carrying at leastonedozen of the roses I bought. When I realize she’s only seen with her suitcase, it guts me a little.
The only thing better about this time is that she didn’t call that dick, Ricky, to come to her rescue. That’s something, I guess.
What the hell is wrong with me? Girl’s got me acting like such a fucking pussy.
Suddenly, the urge hits me to crush beer cans on my forehead, lift weights, barbecue or some shit that’ll reassert my masculinity. Can’t have her turning me soft. I’m the guy whocrushesthose guys.
“Let’s lay off him,” Sterling speaks up, cutting into the laugh Joss and Dane are having at my expense.
With my back still to the room, I smile a little. I’d give any one of them atleastthis hard a time if the tables were turned and they know it.
“All right, all right,” Dane interjects, catching his breath to speak. “So, we see luxurious hotel rooms, flowers, and mediocre head don’t work with this girl. So, what’s next on the list?”
“Mediocre?” I scoff. “She damn-near woke the neighbors screaming my name, so let’s getthatshit straight.”
“Ew! TMI!” Joss screeches.
“Well, whatever the case, we need a new approach,” is Sterling’s take.