Page 73 of Never His Girl
He turns, casts a curious look my way, and I swear my heart’s getting ready to burst right out of my chest.
“Fuck it,” I say quietly, making a move before I can talk myself out of it.
West’s face is warm against my palms when I grab him, lowering him to my height, bringing his mouth to mine. At first, the kiss is just a peck, the sweet, innocent kind. But then, as the rest of his body catches up with his lips, it deepens, becoming something much more. Something much hotter than I think either of us bargained for.
The hooting and howling starts as passersby take notice. Soon, it’s deafening, but I don’t even care if they see. All I know is West tastes and smells so damn good. Like a dream. Like always.
The small of my back warms when his hands settle there, and I know I’m not mistaking the possessiveness in his touch. The sensation is, admittedly, addictive—being held against his solid body, feeling safe, wanted.
We separate, but continue to linger in one another’s space. I, for one, am finding it pretty damn hard to back away from him, and I get the sense he’s feeling the same pull toward me.
“Damn, Southside,” he groans.
My face warms even more, and I chew the side of my lip when I smile, holding it back a little.
‘Damn’is right.
He backs away, not taking his eyes off me, and I swear that kiss just changed everything.
“I’ll be here after the bell,” he promises, drawing me in with only his eyes this time.
I nod, but don’t have words as he leaves. Once I finally get my thoughts together, I make my way toward the classroom door, but not without catching Parker’s hateful stare. It’s still deadlocked on me, just like before.
While, no, I didn’t kiss West to piss her off, I still hope seeing it killed her inside. Seeing me with the one guy she wants. The one guy she knows she can never have.
The words of one of her minions fit quite well in this situation and I smile as I think them to myself.
Payback, bitch.
* * *
“Seriously? Just go sit with her,” Joss groans, meaning I’m not being nearly as discreet watching Southside as I thought.
“I’m supposed to be giving her space, right? Isn’t that the plan?”
“Wasthe plan,” Joss corrects, stealing a fry off Dane’s tray. “After that kiss we all saw this morning—which, by the way, was so hot I swear paint started peeling off the walls—I’m pretty sure the girl wouldn’t mind if you sit with her at lunch.”
I hear Joss’s reasoning, but I don’t want to push too hard. Southside and I are making progress and I could kill it all if I come on too strong. So, my mind is made up. I’ll sit here and try not to glance over at her every ten seconds.
“You’re making progress, dude,” Dane chimes in, still chewing. “Things are gonna work out.”
“Here’s hoping,” is all I say back.
I appreciate his vote of confidence, but as someone who’s been ignored by this girl,punchedby this girl, and had my car wrecked by this girl, I’m not taking any chances of pissing her off. When provoked, she’s got one hell of a mean streak, and I know better than to underestimate it.
Not that I hate that about her.
Guess crazy is kind of my thing.
“Well, anyway,” Joss cuts in again, “you three should come by my place after practice. There’s gonna be food,” she adds, sing-songing that last part because she knows a good meal is one of the best ways to lure usanywhere.
I glance toward Joss after she offers. “Why? There a celebration we don’t know about?”
She shrugs casually. “No, but this is a once in a lifetime chance. My dad’s out of town on business—which hardly ever happens—so my mom suggested I invite you guys over while he’s away.”