Page 81 of Never His Girl
I scan the area after that, as discreetly as I can manage, but who the fuck am I kidding?
“Your sister here with you?”
I definitely just violated this whole‘give her space’thing by even asking, but damn. I’m over all the rules and gameplay at this point. I like her, want to be around her, but can’t even admit that shit for fear of scaring her off.
“No, we’re here with Shane’s Aunt Carla,” Scarlett shares. “Blue’s visiting our brother.”
That was about the last thing I expected her to say, but guess she’s on a quest of her own for answers.
“Should I tell her you say hi?” Scarlett asks, flashing a coy grin right after. Basically, she knows as well as I do that I’m obsessed with her sister.
“Sure. And if those kids mess with you again, Blue’s got my number. Call me and I’ll drop everything to come back up Shane.”
He seems to appreciate that I didn’t leave him out of that.
“Noted,” Scarlett pipes up. “Merry Christmas.”
She walks off the next second, grinning when she peeks inside the bag with her new game system in it.
I hear footsteps coming up from both sides, but don’t turn to face my brothers. Not while their gifts are still in sight, walking off toward the food court.
“Was that Southside’s sister?” Dane asks, popping a cookie into his mouth.
I nod. “Yep.”
“What was that about?”
“Nothing really,” is all I say.
He shrugs and then theybothglance down toward the bags in my hands. It only takes a second to notice I’m carrying far less than when they walked away a moment ago.
“The fuck? You gave that kid our shit?” Sterling asks.
I sigh and my only response is to dig into my pocket, pulling out my bank card.
“I owe you shoes,” I say to him. “And… we might also need to head back into the game store.”
“What the—”
“Just go rebuy your shit so we can get out of here,” I say, cutting Dane off before he can ask too many questions. Before he can find out I have kind of a soft spot for Southside’s sister.
I know what I did here today doesn’t even come close to making up for what she’s been through on account of me, but it was better than nothing.
“Know what? I think I had a watch in that bag, too,” Dane jokes when we start walking.
“Well, if you did, fuck youandthat watch,” I shoot back.
He shrugs, readjusting that stupid candy cane scarf. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.”
Chapter 28
‘For your safety, for Scar’s… I’m begging you to let this go, Blue. Please’
Hunter’s words have been swimming around in my head since he spoke them hours ago. They’re the reason I called Uncle Dusty on my way home, asking him to watch Scar this coming weekend, instead of Jules. Simply because, by comparison, Uncle Dusty is way more capable of protecting Scar should something happen.
Should someone come after her.