Page 83 of Never His Girl
“Not a problem.” He pauses, but I sense that he’s not finished. “Those kids the same ones from the other week?”
I don’t talk about my homelife with most people, but he’s not exactly‘most people’at this point.
“Yeah,” I confess. “They’ve been giving her a hard time lately.”
“Since the video,” he adds.
I don’t confirm or deny, because he already knows.
“It’s not on you,” I remind him. “This was Parker’s doing.”
I’m almost shocked by how easy that is for me to say, which is telling of how I’ve come to believe West’s story. Our talk the night he stayed over impacted me more than I realized, I guess, removing the lingering doubt that he hadn’t been the one behind leaking our footage.
“Just wish I could undo it all,” he admits, but then another of those sexy, quiet laughs leaves him. “Well, maybe notallof it. The sex part was pretty damn good.”
Not sure how he draws a smile out of me, feeling as low as I do right now, but he does.
“Shut up.”
“Just telling it like it is,” he adds.
He isn’t wrong. Before we started down this road to forgiveness, my biggest battle was separating how he set my body on fire from how he broke my heart. Now, since things have been getting better, I haven’t been nearly as vigilant about keeping thoughts of him at bay. Shit, who can blame me? Boy’s touch has me sweating just thinking about it. And don’t even get me started on his—
“We should hang out this weekend,” he suggests, cutting my lust-filled thought short. “The team usually hits a party the night before a big game.”
Did I hear that right?
Did West Golden just invite me to a party with him?
From what I’ve come to know about his history, he’s only ever seen stag, never with a girl on his armanywhere.Even when he and Parker were somewhat solid, he attended things alone.
But, apparently, he doesn’t want that tomorrow.
“You sure your brothers won’t mind sharing you for the night?” I ask, smiling as I fall back against my pillow, twirling the end of my ponytail around my finger.
“There should be plenty of girls around. Pretty sure they won’t even notice they don’t have my full attention,” he answers, sounding amused.
“Then, in that case, sure,” I finally answer. “Sounds fun.”
Also sounds like I need to go raid Jules’s closet before I seal my suitcase.
“I’ll make sure you have a good time,” he promises.
I draw in a breath and accept that I’m much more excited about this than I’m letting on. It’s been a hard day. Hell, a hard fewmonths.I could use some fun.
“Will there be a honeymoon suite waiting for me when we get there?” I tease.
“Hey, if you want to trade rooms, just say the word.” He laughs when he finishes speaking, but I don’t doubt for a minute he means that.
I’ve come to learn that Joss wasn’t too far off with what she said about him. Thereisa side to him I missed—because it was buried in a shit-ton of anger and hatred—but it’s there and it runs deep. Granted, he’s still kind of an asshole by nature, but I’ve seen that he’s capable of dialing that back for the people he cares about.
It isn’t until I think these words that I realize I consider myself to be one of those people. Whether that’s naïve or not, I suppose I’ll find out, but it feels real.
“See you in the morning?” he asks, as if he suddenly wants permission to stalk me at my locker, and then walk me to class.