Page 103 of Forever Golden
Blue: Yes, it’s weird, but so are you.
West: Fair answer. Send nudes anyway.
Another laugh slips out.
Blue: PTSD won’t let me. The last time I did that, the pic ended up in the hands of some creepy old guy. Maybe you’ve met him?
West: Shit. Forgot about that.
An idea hits me and I’m so close to telling myself it’s too risky, but I’m so, so weak when it comes to him.
Blue: Well, are you busy tonight?
West: I have a thing, but I can work around it. Why?
Blue: Locker room. Twenty minutes after practice ends.
* * *
@QweenPandora:As we all watch the demise of everyone’s fav couple, you’d expect to see PrincessParker gloating from the window of her gilded tower, but she’s been far too busy. With what, you ask? Packing boxes.
Yes, you heard right. She—along with her parentals—have been spotted hauling load after load to a moving truck, all while PrincessP looks like her entire world’s crumbled around her.
On second thought, maybe it has.
Not only will she spend the remainder of senior year at an all-girls school halfway across the country, she lost the guy, lost her friends, and lost her scholarship.
Perhaps NewGirl should be taking notes. It’s a long way down when you fall from the king’s good graces.
Later, Peeps.
Chapter 38
Having damp hair in the freezing cold isn’t the smartest thing, but an invitation for shower sex with Southside seems worth the pneumonia risk.
I’m too spent to even head inside, hence the reason I’ve been sitting in my car, staring at the cinderblock walls of the parking structure for the past ten minutes.
My phone buzzes and I look down, seeing an‘I love you’textfrom Southsidethat I return quickly. For a moment, I’m reliving tonight’s hookup and it dulls the sting of having to hide behind this bullshit smokescreen we’ve built. This week alone, I’ve been approached by ten girls offering to help‘take my mind off things’. I play into it, giving them false hope that I’ll come find them when I’m ready, but it’s all part of the lie.
West: Make it home okay?
Blue: I did. Mike cooked again.
West: You eat this time?
Blue: Nope. I don’t believe in fraternizing with the enemy.
At first, I was completely on her side with this whole “boycott Mike” mission she’s on, but I’m starting to think she’s hurting herself as much as she’s hurting him. If anyone knows what dicks fathers can be, it’s me, but I also like to think I know when someone’s genuinely making an effort. And Mike seems to be.
West: Maybe try for Scar. Pretty sure she misses you guys eating as a family. Might be good for her.
It takes a while to get a response and I wonder if I’ve overstepped. But when I put myself in her shoes, and imagine if my dad were to legitimately try to be a better man, I like to think I’d be able to give him a chance. Only, alcoholism isn’t to blame for who and what Vin is. He’s a grade-A asshole all on his own. No excuses.
Blue: I’ll consider it. Probably. Maybe.