Page 13 of Forever Golden
A flash of light outside has me leaving her to peer through the blinds.
“Is that him? Is he back?”
It breaks my heart to hear how terrified she is of him.
I shake my head. “Just Ricky.”
As much as I hate the guy, I don’t think having him on lookout tonight is a bad idea. If things are headed in the direction Ithinkthey’re headed, he and I may need each other to some degree if we intend to protect Southside from whatever Vin has in mind.
“I don’t think I can be alone tonight,” she admits, and I can’t believe she thought I’d evenconsiderleaving.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
Her loaded stare stays trained on me and she eventually nods. I feel her emotions all the way across the room. Which is why I double back toward her, pulling her up from the floor to hold her tight.
As expected, she’s a ball of anxiety and nervous energy, making me want to skin my father alive. More than I already wanted to.
“I’m terrified,” she admits. “For me. For Scar.” Her words are muffled against my neck. She squeezes tighter and I place a kiss in her hair.
“I’m having an alarm system installed tomorrow,” I reveal, which has her leaning away to stare at me.
“I can’t let you do that. It’ll cost—”
“Fuck the cost,” I cut in. “It’s happening whether you agree to it or not. I’ll need your key to get in, then I’ll hang out here after school while you’re at practice, because youaregoing to practice,” I add quickly, seeing she’s about to protest. “I know that’s the last place you want to be, but we’ve gotta go about things like nothing’s changed. So, by the time you make it home, it’ll be installed.”
She stares. There’s more she wants to say, but I’m guessing she knows I’m firm on this. There’s no way she’s staying here after this without both of us knowing she’s protected.
“Okay,” she nods, unable to hide the sense of relief this brings even if she hates that I’m paying for it.
Words come to mind. They’re kind of transparent, and not ones I’d typically say, but I know she needs to hear them, needs a little more reassurance.
“I’ll always protect you. No matter who or what you’re up against. And you have my word, Southside, no matter what it takes, I’m gonna fix this.”
There’s no response at first, which I hope is because she’s letting that sink in.
Standing here, holding her, I have no clue what expectations she has when it comes to this relationship. But what Idoknow is that I have to be the best for her. The best at whatever it is she needs me to be. And if what she needs tonight is for someone to exist with her in the silence, or hold her until the fear subsides, then that’s what I’ll be.
But first chance I get, mark my words—Vin will feel my fucking wrath.
* * *
@QweenPandora:Whoops! Was it something I said?
Looks like the whole crew showed up to rally around their girl after that last post. Not sure what BigDaddy did or said, but one thing’s for sure.
The Golden Boys, VirginVixen and SeXyBeAsT aren’t having it.
I know what you’re all thinking. It’s probably not smart to potentially make an enemy of the city’s most powerful man, but if there’s one thing you should’ve figured out by now, it’s that I don’t take sides. From the greatest to the least, if there’s gossip to share, you’d better believe I’m on the job.
Don’t want all of Cypress Pointe rifling through your dirty laundry? Well, might I suggest being a bit more careful next time?Just a tip.
Later, Peeps.
Chapter 5