Page 15 of Forever Golden
“You’re absolutely right,” he admits. “I messed up too many times to count and I can’t take that back, ma’am.”
“Damn right, you can’t,” she seethes. “Now, I have no clue what you did or said to earn this young lady’s forgiveness after everything you’ve done, but you should be thanking your lucky stars that she came in here to vouch for you, instead of heaping coals on your head.”
West nods again and I catch Dr. Pryor’s eyes when they shift toward me, my bandaged knuckles. Her eyes narrow and I feel the question on her mind before she even asks it.
“There something else you’d like to tell me, Ms. Riley?”
I stand in silence, especially when I take note of the knowing look set on her face. It makes me question things. Like whether she knows about Vin’s visit, heard about it through Pandora’s post. Maybe she even knows there’s more to him than meets the eye.
In short, I’m left feeling as if she’s aware. Maybe not aware of everything, butsomething.
“N—no, ma’am,” I manage to answer, but that doesn’t seem to ease her mind any.
“Well, should you decide there’s more you’d like to discuss, you know where to find me. My door is always open.”
I nod, still trying to read her. “Of course. Thank you.”
Her stare lingers a moment longer and the tight smile she offers makes me even more suspicious. But then, she lowers her head to focus on the document she’s just taken from the corner of her desk, leaving West and I to assume we’re dismissed.
“One more thing,” Dr. P. calls out the second we reach the door. “You’re to speak to no one about this. Parker will likely be expelled for that stunt she pulled. Once that happens, I can almost certainly say that her scholarship andpossibly even her college admission will be in jeopardy. What she did is by no means a small offense.”
“We won’t say a word,” I confirm with a nod.
This time, when Pryor glances down at the paperwork, she doesn’t speak again. I exit the office with West, and while I should be pleased with the outcome of this visit, there’s still a dark-ass cloud hanging over my head.
A cloud with a name—Vin Golden.
* * *
@QweenPandora:Haven’t you heard, PrincessParker? Big girls don’t cry.
Apparently, you missed that memo, because I’ve received a slew of pics in the past hour. All of which very clearly depict you bawling your eyes out after leaving Dr. Pryor’s office this morning. What’s got you feeling so down, Princess? Could this possibly have something to do with everyone’s fav dysfunctional couple being seen leaving that same office not even twenty minutes earlier?
To add to the mystery, Mr. and Mrs. Holiday just showed up a bit ago and they did not look happy. What’d you do this time, Princess? Cross the wrong King’s queen again?
Hmm… guess this one’ll remain a mystery.For now, anyway.
Later, Peeps.
Chapter 6
“You look miserable. Say the word and we’ll slip out the back door. I’m kind of a pro at it.”
The offer has me peering up as West flashes a smile.
“Thanks, but I’ve been off academic probation all of, what, half the day? I dare not tempt the gods so soon.”
“Just saying, we have options,” he adds with a casual shrug.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
We’ve been posted here, leaning against the brick just outside the cafeteria for five solid minutes. I can’t seem to make myself go in there today. My stomach’s in knots, my head’s throbbing… the works. However, I’m not in the least bit confused about what’s brought it all on.
The possibility of uprooting your entire life in the very near future can take its toll on a girl. Barring there isn’t some miracle that manifests out of thin air, my mind is already made up. I know West will likely do everything in his power to stop me, but I’ll do what’s best for Scar at any cost. Even if that cost is my own happiness.