Page 19 of Forever Golden
Yep, you guessed it—yours truly.
While I’m certain letting me know I’m being pursued was meant to strike fear, I’m rather flattered. Am I really so good that the mere thought of me existing in my little slice of the web has you shaking in your boots?
Who would’ve guessed little old me had that kind of power?
Maybe I’m selling myself short only dishing dirt on Cypress Prep’s elite. Perhaps I should consider going national. You’ve given me much to consider.
At any rate, it seems this little game of cat and mouse is officially on.
Catch me if you can, but be warned: I’m much, MUCH better at this than you are. And if you do manage to get me in a corner, be careful.I’ve got one nasty bite.
Be seeing you soon.
Later, Peeps.
Chapter 7
The peace of mind that comes with having the alarm installed at Southside’s is unmatched. As soon as school ended, I walked her to practice, got her key, and then met the installer at her place. To some, that move might seem like some serious, overbearing boyfriend-type-shit, but I don’t give a fuck what people think. As long as she’s safe, I’m good with all the rest.
The next item on my agenda was to bring my brothers up to speed on all the details they’ve missed. I’ve officially done that, and Sterling zones out thinking about it all. I can only imagine what’s going on inside his head.
But when he speaks up a second later, I’m not left wondering for long.
“Damn. This shit’s more fucked up than I thought.”
He stands at my bedroom window, overlooking the city as he and Dane process everything I’ve revealed. His analysis of things isn’t wrong—this shit’sdefinitelyfucked up.
“Guess I get why her hand’s all busted. Hell, I might’ve taken out a wholewallif I’d been her,” Dane chimes in, but then his brow quirks when he seems to have an epiphany right after. “Anyone else thinking Pandora’s last post was about Vin?”
“Oh, it was definitely about Vin,” Sterling adds. “That asshole’s probably trying to flush her out because she outed him about that little pitstop at Southside’s last night. We all know how he gets when something’s out of his control.”
“Think he’ll succeed? He’s got the cash and resources to do pretty much whatever the hell he wants,” Dane points out.
He turns when I shake my head, laughing a bit. “You kidding me? That bitch won’t get found out until she’s good and ready.”
He shrugs, probably realizing I’m right, but Sterling faces us with concern marking his expression.
“Should we even be talking here?” he asks. “I mean, for all we fucking know, Vin’s got this whole place bugged.”
“Thought about that. When I came home to change for school this morning, I checked everything. Pretty sure it’s just the phones—our calls, our texts,” I explain. “So, once we get the new ones tonight, that should settle it.”
“And… where are these phones coming from again?” Sterling asks, shooting Dane a look.
“You fucking deaf? I said I know a guy.”
Sterling laughs to himself before mocking Dane’s answer. “That’s right. You know a guy. Suddenly, I feel so much more at ease. Thank you for clarifying.”
“Why’s it so hard to believe I communicate with people who aren’t either ofyoutwo assholes?”
“Let me guess. He’s one of your followers or some weak shit like that. Am I right?”
Dane laughs off the insult, reaching for his phone. When he turns it toward us, he’s pointing at the number representing the army who hang on his every word.
“If nearly two million IG followers is weak, you can kiss my ass,” he adds.