Page 24 of Forever Golden
“Okay… ouch.”
“Don’t be sensitive, you know what I mean. We can hang out anytime,” she clarifies. “What about… maybe inviting the triplets? And Jules, too, of course.”
The suggestion earns her my sternest side-eye, due to the pure lack of subtlety on her part.
“Next time, mention Jules first. At least then it’ll be a little less obvious this is all about the boys,” I tease.
“It’s not like that,” she says, rolling her eyes.
“Sure, it isn’t, but I’ll see what I can do. Won’t that make Shane uncomfortable coming around, though?”
It’s no secret he gets a bit edgy when the triplets are in the vicinity. Now, something I said has earned me a look from Scar.
“Ever think that might be why I suggested it?” she answers with a sneaky grin. “Kid’s been weird lately. “
“Weird in what way?”
She shrugs and gives the question some thought. “Mmm…‘distant’is the word that comes to mind. I mean, we still talk and hang out, but he’s always kind of distracted. Usually by his phone,” she adds.
I know what this sounds like, but don’t have the heart to say what I’m thinking out loud. The idea of telling my sister she might not be the only one Shane’s interested in is the exactoppositeof what I want to say right now. Sure, she definitely has his attention, but some boys can be fickle. They can be so into you, yet so into about ten other girls at the same time.
“Why don’t you just talk to him, Scar? Tell him how he’s made you feel lately and just… see where the conversation goes.”
She gives that look again.
“You want me to have a deep, meaningful conversation with a fifteen-year-old boy? Yeah, that’ll go well.”
The girl probably isn’t wrong.
“Well, maybe Shane’s different. You two have been friends since forever. The worst that can happen is he says nothing’s wrong, and that this is all in your head, then you guys go on like normal, right?”
Her shoulders lift beneath the faded black tee she wears.
“Maybe, but still invite the boys. It’s worth getting Shane worked up,” she concludes.
Of course, that gets the poor guy worked up. Possibly because you eye-bang all three of them every time they step into the room. But what do I know?
I keep the thought to myself, but a laugh slips out.
She pauses to check her phone, and this seems like as good a time as any to spring the news on her about Christmas. You know, while she’s in a relatively good mood.
“Since you like hanging out with the triplets so much, what do you think about taking a mini vacay with them? It’d be for about a week over Christmas break.”
To my surprise, her head doesn’t explode the second those words leave my mouth.
“That’s super random, but sounds cool! Where are we going?”
No complaints about having to leave Shane? Things must really be strained between them.
“Well, from what I’m told, their grandfather has a ton of property down in Louisiana. Some town called Dupont Bayou.”
“Never heard of it, but sure! I’m down.”
I’m beyond shocked that just went so well. All without me telling her about the five cousins who sound like atleastas much trouble as the triplets.
“Now, since you got all up inmybusiness a little bit ago, it’s my turn,” she says, turning to face me while we sit. “You never answered my question earlier.”
Pretending not to have a clue what she means, I glance toward the TV just as the news is starting.