Page 58 of Forever Golden
He grips my ass and I grind into him.
“You make me insane,” he confesses. “I’ve thought about murdering every motherfucker I’ve ever caught looking at you.”
I smile a little, but mostly I’m focused on how good his body feels against mine. His hands slip back up to my hips, thrusting himself deep inside me. It can’t be healthy for my heart to be racing this fast, but there’s nothing I can do to stop it, because my heart is his. He controls it.
“I don’t want anyone else,” he confesses. “Ever.”
That word rings inside my head, ricocheting off all the emotional baggage, all the emotional walls I’ve built. The ones that, at times, have made it hard to imagine someone loving me forever.
But I didn’t mishear him. He said ‘ever’.
As in, I’m the last one he ever sees himself with.
As in… I’m enough.
My chest swells with a breath and I can’t help but stare at him, knowing he just meant every word he spoke. There’s this unmistakable sincerity in his eyes that won’t let me believe otherwise.
This moment has us in sync, one’s body moving in tandem with the other’s, until we’re both climaxing and, for me, it’s the most emotionally-charged experience I’ve ever had.
The high slowly subsides, but I still hear that word.
It has me looking into West’s eyes again and he doesn’t shy away, because those weren’t just words he threw out in the height of passion. They’re what’s in his heart, what he feels when he looks at me.
I’ve had a lot of titles, been a lot of things to a lot of people, but as the days pass and I get to see more of the man beneath the mask, being West Golden’s girl might possibly be my favorite.
Chapter 21
“There. Done.”
I stand back and look at the two suitcases I’ve packed to capacity, feeling like a superhero for having actually gotten this done tonight. Sure, I’m exhausted from the dance and… other activities, but I can always sleep on the plane.
“Good for you, but let the record show that I finished an hour ago,” West gloats through the phone.
I smile and stick out my tongue as if he can see it. “Everyone knows boys only pack a pair of boxers, a stick of deodorant, and one change of clothes. So, if that’s something you’re proud to call a win, then so be it.”
He laughs softly into my ear and I drop down onto the bed.
“Have a good time tonight?” he asks, which causes flashes of our evening to flood my thoughts.
“I had thebesttime, actually. Thanks for making me feel normal.”
He’s quiet on the other end and now I’m thinking about the pool. Or, more specifically, the words he said to me while we were there.
“I can’t wait for the plane to land,” he says with a sigh. “You’re gonna love the bayou.”
“You don’t have to convince me. I just want to get out of here.”
I hadn’t meant that to be funny, but West laughs again.
“I don’t thinkanyof us can. My family’s gonna love you, though. Just brace yourself to be hugged to death by some of my aunts, and they’ll probably ask you a million questions. If I know my grandfather, he’s planning some kind of gathering for when we first get there.”
The thought of it makes my heart beat just a little faster. “How many people are we talking?”
West chuckles. “We’ll just say a lot, but like I said, they’ll love you.”