Page 68 of Forever Golden
“I’m assuming you saw the post. Everyone else has,” she mumbles.
I nod. “Yeah, I saw it.”
“Figured.” A dim smile touches her lips, but never her eyes. “Sure you don’t mind? I guess I could use another girl’s perspective on things. The guys are hellbent on toughing everything out likethey’vealways done, but sometimes, you just—”
“Need someone to tell you it’s okay to throw a bitch-fit and eat your way into a chocolate coma?”
She tilts her head. “I swear I’ve never felt more seen than I do in thisexactmoment.”
I laugh and snap to get Scar’s attention. “Headphones, kid.”
She rolls her eyes, mumbling something about how she’s not listening to our conversation anyway, and then pops in her earbuds like I asked her to.
“Okay, I’m all ears,” I say, hopping up onto the bed when I decide to stop folding while Joss talks. She does the same, almost needing to get a running start to get onto the high mattress.
“Well,” she sighs. “Not sure if you’ve heard, but my dad would lock me inside a bubble if given the chance.”
“Honestly, I thought it was kind of strange they let you comehere,” I admit.
Something I said has her laughing.
“Are you kidding me? I’m not here because I have permission. I’m here because I’m beyond the point of giving a shit what he thinks. My whole life, I’ve walked this fucking tightrope of expectations, terrified what would happen if I slipped up and disappointed him,” she admits, swiping at an angry tear. “He never came out and said I had to be perfect, but he sure as hell made me feel it. Nothing was ever good enough; nothing was ever quite to his liking. And for what? Who the fuck is he to tell me how to live my life?”
I nod, letting her vent without interruption.
“The worst part is, after only a week of deliberation, my mom’s decided she isn’t leaving him. We have no clue how long this has been going on, no clue how many women there have been, but she’s not even considering divorce. It’s like he’s just getting away with this shit, with zero repercussions!” she sighs.
“Yeah, I know.”
She pauses to think, and maybe to slow the tears, but in the silence, I take note of how she’s twisting her ring. I wouldn’t know it’s significance if Lexi hadn’t pointed it out. Apparently, it’s a symbol of Joss’s virginity, some vow her parents required that she make. As she stares at it now, I imagine it only serves as nothing more than a symbol of their control.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been angrier in my entire life,” she seethes. “I’m expected to give perfection, never making a damn mistake, but he can make themotherof all mistakes and is just forgiven? No,” she says, shaking her head. “Fuck that and fuck him!”
There’s so much pain in her voice, I feel it myself. Especially when she peers up and more tears flood her eyes.
“If X hadn’t blasted that shit on the app, we never would’ve even known. I think that’s the part that pisses me off the most. He’s only trying to make things right with my mom because he got caught, not because he’s actually sorry.” She’s somber now, reflective.
I hop down from my bed and sit beside her instead. When I place my hand on top of hers, she stares at it.
“Believe me, I know what it’s like to have parents who fallwayshort of expectations, so you’re not alone,” I say, hoping she knows she’ll get no judgment from me.
“I just had no clue I could feel this disappointed. Ineitherof them. I’m so pissed she’s staying,” Joss adds, shaking her head.
I shrug and let out a breath before sharing a bit about myself.
“My dad stayed. My mom was the cheater, and he just kept letting her string him along. Hell, they’restillin that cycle.”
She glances over at me and some of the sadness has faded.
I nod. “Exactly.”
Her gaze lands on the rug again while she thinks, but then her phone sounds off. When she glances down at it and a faint smile appears, I don’t peek but can’t help to ask…
“Is it Dane?”