Page 77 of Forever Golden
“Easy.” The next second, Beau slides his t-shirt up his back and tosses it to the floor.
Then, we all watch in horror as River writes the words,‘I love pussy’on his back in bold letters.
“There,” River proclaims with a smile. “Make sure Grandpa gets a good look at this.”
Completely unaware of what’s been written, Beau shrugs, then fearlessly heads across the foyer where all the older members of the family decided to congregate. We can’t see in, but we can certainly hear.
“What the hell is wrong with you boy? Get your narrow ass out of here with that foolishness!” Boone yells, half a second before Beau sprints back toward us, sliding across the freshly polished floor in his socks. He’s almost home free, but catches Boone’s slipper to his back when it’s hurled at him from some unseen place.
The eruption of laughter drowns out the sound of Beau sucking in air through his clenched teeth, a reasonable reaction to the sting of having a rubber sole slap against his bare skin.
“What the fuck does this shit say?” he wants to know, walking off the pain as he casts a frustrated glare toward River.
Instead of repeating the phrase, River snaps a pic of the‘tattoo’and shoots it to Beau in text.
“No wonder I almost got my ass beat,” Beau growls at River. “All right,yourturn, motherfucker. Truth or dare?”
“Truth,” River answers.
“Fine. Why don’t you tell everyone when you last pissed yourself.”
River’s face turns bright red, and I’m already intrigued.
“First of all, let me preface my answer by stating that I was shitfaced,” he explains. “But since I’m not a pussy, I’ll just come out and say it. Three months ago. But also note that I passed out outside, so it’s not like I wet my bed and shit.”
“Does that make it any better?” Sterling asks.
Scar covers her mouth when she laughs, trying to hold back. Unlike the rest of us who have no problem further embarrassing the kid.
“Joss,” River says, clearly hoping to get the heat off himself. “Truth or dare?”
Joss strikes me as a‘play it safe’kind of girl, so I was beyond shocked with her choice.
“Dare,” she says, holding River’s gaze.
He seems pleasantly surprised, too. “Sweet! Take out your phone, call the last guy you screwed, and tell him you’re pregnant.”
Joss smiles. “Guess I get a pass, because therewasno last guy. There’s never beenanyguy.”
“Bullshit,” River says with a frown.
Joss shakes her head. “I shit you not.”
As if all five share a brain, each of West’s cousins stare at her, as if they can’t possibly understand how a girl who looks like her managed to get through life unsullied. Then, on cue, their gazes shift to Dane in unison.
“It’s true,” he confirms.
“Well, damn. I guess youdoget a pass,” River finally concedes. “Actually, no.”
My brow quirks when he speaks up, changing his mind.
He volleys a look between Joss and Dane before asking a question. “You two are just friends, right?” he asks.
Drawing in an uneven breath, Joss nods. “Yeah. Since we were kids.”
River’s wicked smile reminds me of Wests, which means trouble. “Fine. I dare you and Dane to kiss. And I’m not talking some weak-ass, kindergarten kiss,” he clarifies. “Sit in his lap and really get into that shit.”
While most are laughing and intrigued to see how this particular challenge will play out, I’m focused on Joss, feeling her anxiety as she finally gets up the nerve to look at Dane. When their eyes lock, I only see sympathy in his, genuine concern for the girl he calls his best friend. But for those of us who see how they are with each other… we know it’s much,muchmore than that.