Page 86 of Forever Golden
“Scar, he’s soberright now, but the moment he gets a few drinks in him, it’ll be the same.”
“But it won’t,” Mike speaks up.
My eyes cut to him. “I was talking to my sister. Not you.”
He draws in a deep breath and I see I’ve wounded him again. That shouldn’t feel so good, but it does. Maybe because I’m bitter knowing that, if ever there was a time I could’ve used the comfort of having a real father in our home, it’s now. Instead, I get stuck withthispiece of shit.
“Please,” he begs, sounding so broken and pathetic it makes me want to leap down these steps and tackle him on the cement. He doesn’t get to slip in and play this role, doesn’t get to confuse Scar into thinking he’s changed.
“I tried calling,” he rushes to say. “A few times you answered, but I didn’t know what to say so I just said…nothing. I tried again on Scar’s birthday, thinking I finally found the nerve to actually talk to you girls, but you didn’t pick up that time. I figured it was probably because you didn’t recognize the number.”
It’s in this moment that all the mysterious‘unavailable’calls finally make sense. Still, a few phone calls don’t make up for having to put up with his B.S.
“We’ve got enough to deal with without having to look after you,” I snap, feeling the sting of angry tears pooling in my eyes.
Mike’s shoulders rise and fall when he breathes deep and I swear it looks like he’s in pain seeing me like this, but that’s not possible. He’s never felt anything for me but resentment.
“I promise I won’t be in the way,” he says sheepishly. “And I’ll—I’ll clean up after myself, help with Scar if you let me, and I’m working on getting a job.”
I scoff when he lays that one on me. How many times have I heard that one before?
“I’m serious, Blue Jay.”
“Don’tcall me that,” I snap.
He throws his hands up with hope of calming me, and then changes his tune.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. We’ve got a long road to being okay, but Iamserious this time,” he insists. “One of the counselors got me leads on a couple jobs and I’m gonna call and follow up tomorrow.”
I’m not moved in the least, but the feel of Scar discreetly tapping my back means I’m alone in taking this firm stand.
“Please, Blue,” she whispers. “I’m scared what’ll happen if he has to go someplace else.”
I’m mad enough to spit lava right now, but unfortunately, Scar doesn’t understand. She sees the world through a different set of lenses than I do. If I turn him away and he does what I know he’s gonna do—get messed up and prove he’s still the old Mike—she’ll think it’s my fault, think that if I hadn’t been so stubborn it wouldn’t have happened. So, I’m torn.
My gaze flits toward West and I swear he feels me in this moment, feels that I really don’t want to do this, but—
“You haveonechance not to fuck this up,” I warn. “First sign of your same old bullshit and I’ll have Dusty haul your ass out of here faster than you can give another empty apology. Do you understand me?”
Grateful, he nods.
“I understand, but there won’t be any need for that. I mean it. I’m gonna do right by you girls this time,” he promises, easing past me to step inside.
When I meet West’s wary gaze, I’m full of dread, knowing I’ll regret this later. I shouldn’t be surprised, though. After all, today represents the story of my life—always stuck between a rock and a hard place. So much for easing back into business as usual.
In true Blue Riley form, there was literal shit waiting on the back porch to welcome me home.
Fuck you too, Cypress Pointe.
Seems you’re still the bitch I know and hate.
Chapter 31
The gym’s loud and crowded, and we have Pandora’s constant reminder posts about tonight’s game to thank for that. She’s been on a roll since school’s started back this week. Typically, girls’ basketball doesn’t get the same fanfare as the guys’, but based on this turnout for game one, that might not be the case this season.