Page 6 of Cruel Alpha Daddy
I can hear the men raising their voices around me, but I don’t know what they’re saying. I’m struggling against my memories, the thoughts and feelings I locked away inside myself. I thought I buried all of this so deep, I’d never have to feel it again.
But I know the restlessness that drove me out of bed this morning was born from one of these memories. I must have been dreaming about him. And somehow, I was led to a place where the fates could bring us together again.
Chapter 3 - Rider
It takes an act of extreme will to keep myself still as Tobias hurls the woman at my feet. Part of me still doesn’t believe it, and my heart wavers in my chest like a tiny bird fluttering in a harsh gust of wind as I catch her scent.
I can struggle all I want, it won’t make any difference. I’ll still get swept away.
When I look down and see her bright blue eyes staring up at me, I suppress a shiver, forcing myself not to react. When I see a brief flash of recognition on her face, I shake my head slightly.
If they find out we know each other, this will go badly.
I look up at Tobias very slowly. I keep my face frozen and my voice calm.
“What have you brought me?” I’m relieved to hear my tone is disinterested, maybe even bored.
“Isn’t she a fine prize?” Tobias reaches down and grabs Fiona by the arm, yanking her to her feet. I hold myself back, clenching my fists slightly as I think about tearing Tobias to shreds.
I lean back a little, yawning. “Tobias, it’s early. Where did you get this woman, and why? I have better things to do than inspect some homeless wench you picked up.”
“Oh, she’s not homeless,” Russ puts in. Wherever Tobias goes, Russ is never far behind.
“She’s from Silver Meadows,” Tobias announces. “Bailey’s pack. We’re going to make an example of her, show Bailey we aren’t weak.”
“You went into Silver Meadows territory?” I hiss, threat creeping into my voice. “After I forbid you to go, after I negotiated so hard for a treaty, you just fucking broke it?”
Tobias glares at me. “Some of us don’t agree with peace, and you know it. When did you get fucking soft, Rider?”
I glare at him, and he shakes Fiona roughly. Her beautiful blond hair shimmers in the sun, a golden fall of silk that reaches to her waist. She glances up at me, and the deep blue of her eyes enchants me. Drags me down into old memories that I thought I’d buried good and deep.
Six years should be more than enough time to forget…
I’d been drifting, homeless, wandering. Slowly, my wolf was driving me out into the wilderness, further and further from civilization. I’d ended up in Delta, and I was contemplating shutting the door on my human side for good.
My eyes were locked on the far-off mountains, and I was imagining shedding my human shape and disappearing into those isolated peaks forever. The ache of my trauma within me was too heavy and sharp to bear. I just wanted to let it go.
I was about to leave, when I heard someone crying. Curious, I followed the sound. As I got close to it, I became immersed in an incredibly sweet scent of vanilla and honey. My wolf stirred within me, forgetting its urge to roam as deeper needs surfaced and begged to be satisfied.
I followed the scent and sound to a small clearing. At first, I thought I’d wandered into a dream.
She was kneeling in the center of the clearing, her head bowed as she wept. Sunlight flooded down from above, lighting her blond hair a pure, shining gold. I approached her slowly, barely even aware that I was moving. When she finally noticedmy presence, her head snapped up, and I saw the incredible deep blue of her eyes.
As if the sky had been purified, distilled and poured into her so it shone from the windows to her soul.
Even though I was dirty and dressed in ragged clothes, she was not afraid of me. She was crying, but I immediately saw fresh sympathy dawn on her face when she looked at me.
“Please, let me help you,” she said, her voice as sweet as maple syrup and just as soothing. “You look so thin and cold. Let me buy you a meal and some decent clothes.”
I shook my head. “I came here because I heard you crying. I want to know if you’re alright… if there’s anything I can do for you.”
She smiled then, a small, endearing curve of her lips that chased the misery from her eyes.
We sat and talked for a while. I found out her aunt was in the hospital and most likely would never leave. She was dying, and Fiona was already destroyed by grief.
I opened up a little, too. I told her I was homeless, wandering. That I seemed to attract bad luck like manure does flies. She kept her promise to buy me dinner and clothes, which made me feel grateful, humble, and fiercely inadequate.
In the coming days, we grew close, and I ended up staying in her hotel room. We lived like a married couple for a month, and it was the only safe place I’d ever had.