Page 17 of A Little Tempting
Ihead back to the house like a good girl, my mind spinning like a top. I’m not sure if you can get drunk on lust, but if I ever needed convincing it’s a possibility; tonight’s the night. I’m lightheaded. I can’t stop smiling or laughing to myself. My stomach keeps flip-flopping. And the hangxiety is already setting in.
Was I a good kisser?
Did he like it?
Did I seriously kind of rub myself against his thigh like a pervert?
Hello, anxiety. Nice to see you again.
Man, I need another drink.
Twisting the top off of the vodka bottle, I pour a generous splash into a cup and add Dr. Pepper. When some of it spills over the rim, I set everything down on the counter and force my shaking hands to relax as I take a slow breath.In through the nose, out through the mouth,I remind myself. It’s weird. Sharing the best kiss of your life with a faceless stranger. To be fair, he didn’t have a lot of competition, but still. I’m surrounded by the same people from earlier, but I can’t stop looking at them now. Studying the lower half of their faces. Attempting to piece them together with the stranger from ten minutes ago. Eavesdropping on every black-shirted wolf, dissecting every single gruff voice in the room, and comparing it with the one who rumbled my name before kissing me. It’s useless. I take a sip of my drink and head to the nearest corner, blending in with the gray walls as I continue my pitiful inspection. If the guy wanted to keep his identity hidden, it’s official. He nailed it.
I have no idea who kissed me, and I’m not sure I ever will. But the idea of never figuring it out feels like an unscratchable itch in the back of my brain, and it’s driving me crazy.
“Dylan!” Finley squeals when she finds me. Her grip is like an anaconda as she squeezes my bicep. “How’d it go?”
“It, uh…” I clear my throat. “It was fine?”
“Fine?” She pulls back, assessing me carefully. A Cheshire grin spreads across her face. “Well, if my little doe didn’t find a big, strong predator to eat her alive.”
My face flames, and I groan, “Fin.”
“Seriously, you’re a terrible liar,” she notes. “Okay, tell me everything.”
“There’s nothing to tell.”
“Yeah, and I’m the queen of England.” She snorts. “Come on. You’re blushing like a virgin.” My eyes widen, and my expression turns into a warning glare. She raises her hands in defense. “Kidding,” she sing-songs. “For real, though. What happened?”
I stare down at the caramel-colored liquid in my cup. “I played the game and was found.”
“And where’d you let him kiss you?” Her brows bounce up and down. “Actually, let’s cut to the chase. Did you or did you not at least have a better experience than your first two kisses? And when I say better than your first two kisses, I’m aware of how low the bar is, thanks to one of the guys almost barfing in your mouth, and?—”
“Technically, I was the one who almost barfed,” I mutter.
Another amused chuckle slips out of her. “Oh, yeah. I forgot. So? Was it at least better than those?”
“I mean, it was a…” My mouth goes dry as I replay the kiss.
“Ah!” She claps her hands. “It was good, wasn’t it? I knew it was gonna be good.”
“Dude, breathe,” I tell her as a few people around us start staring. Grabbing her shoulder, I drag us down the hall, searching for privacy. “It wasn’t anything crazy, okay? It was…”
“The best kiss of your life?” she finishes for me.
“Well, when the bar is already on the ground…then, yeah. Sure. It was the best kiss of my life.”
With another excited squeal, she tugs my arm back and forth like her cute little quarter-Asian body can’t even handle her enthusiasm. “I am so freaking excited for you! So who is he?”
I glance around her tiny frame, confirming we’re still alone, and admit the very pathetic truth. “I have no idea.”
Her face falls. “You don’t know?”