Page 20 of A Little Tempting
“All right, fine. Deal. Now, let’s see. What’s first? Beard? No beard? Low voice? High voice? Would you say he’s white or black? Blonde hair or dark hair? Give me something to work with.”
Fighting through the onslaught of questions and how much they overwhelm me, I answer, “Uh…he had scruff, olive skin, probably dark hair if I had to guess, but I might be wrong on that one?” I bite my bottom lip, searching my memory for clues but shake my head in frustration. “Like I said, he whispered, so I have no idea what his voice actually sounds like. He knew my name, though.”
“He knew your name?”
“I already told you?—”
“Okay.” She lifts her hands in defense. “So, he knows you.”
“We don’t know if he really knows me.”
“Why else would he use your name, Dyl?” she counters.
My lips gnash together, but I don’t argue with her.
Satisfied she’s won, she adds, “Honestly, it makes this scenario so much juicier. What about his eyes?”
“He had a mask on, remember?”
She frowns. “Good point. Hmm. Okay, how ‘bout teeth? Straight? Crooked? Yellow? White?”
“White teeth. Straight.”
“How ‘bout his lips? Thick? Thin?”
“Uh…full, I think? I don’t know? They were kissable. He had kissable lips.”
“Kissable, huh?” She smirks. “All right, I’ll be sure to keep an eye out forkissablelips.”
Shoving at her shoulder, I grumble, “You’re making fun of me.”
“I’m not making fun of you. I simply think it’s refreshing how we found you an actual guy you’re interested inandconnected with. Damn, I’m a good fairy godmother.”
“You’re something, all right,” I mutter. “Any more questions?”
“Um…” Her attention catches on someone in the family room, and her breathing stalls.
“You okay?” I ask.
“Yup, let’s get out of here, shall we?”
I try following her gaze but wind up empty as she hooks her arm through mine and guides us out the back.
“So, speaking of the chase and all, how’d it go for you?” I prod.
“Meh.” She shrugs. “Griffin caught me, so I let him kiss me on the cheek.”
My eyes widen. “Griff, as in my brother?”
“The one and only.”
“How do you know it was Griff?”
“Because he pointed out how Drew would probably be pissed if he knew I was playing this game.”
“Yikes.” I grimace. “Is that why you wanted to get out of there?”
“Didn’t feel like having another lecture,” she grumbles. “Usually, it’s Ev with his panties in a twist, you know what I mean? But apparently, Griffin felt like taking the stick from my brother’s ass and stuck it up his own this time, so…” She opens the back door to our place and lets me step inside before joining me. “It’s not like I was going to let anyone kiss me in the first place. Well, other than on the hand or cheek or something. I might talk a big game, Dylan, but I’m not stupid. I refuse to jeopardize my relationship with Drew over a silly game.”