Page 23 of A Little Tempting
“Yo, Ev!” one of his teammates calls. “You comin’?”
“In a minute!” Everett replies. He squeezes the back of his neck, and his biceps bulge as he turns to me again. “So, uh, you doing okay?”
I blink and force myself to look at his face instead of his toned arms. “You already asked me that.”
“Guess I’m not convinced with your previous answer.” He steps closer. “How was the party for you, anyway?”
My lips part, but I hesitate as a wave of suspicion washes over me. “What do you mean?”
“Finley said you kissed someone.”
“I mean, it was kind of part of the game, right?”
“I guess so,” he murmurs. “Any idea who kissed you?”
Why do you want to know?I want to ask, but I stay quiet. He’s always been protective. It would make sense for him to be curious even if he isn’t the one who kissed me so he could warn the culprit to keep his distance or so he could warn me about the guy and hislikelysordid past if the wolf’s excellent kissing skills are anything to go by.
But what if Everett’s bringing it up because it was him? If he’s the wolf? He isn’t. Is he? I analyze his jaw, then glance at Reeves and the rest of the team again while they toss the football back and forth with each other. It’s strange to think, but it could be any of them. Literally. Even knowing my name isn’t a stretch, considering they all play hockey with Griffin. It would make sense for them to know his little sister’s name and keep a wide berth from me.
Finley was right. It really is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Clearing his throat, Everett prods, “Finley said you were—and I quote—smitten.”
“Finley would use that term,” I mutter, as fascinated as I was earlier watching Reeves jog to the opposite end of the field. The way Reeves’ muscles tighten and pull. The way his tan skin glistens in the sun. The sheen of sweat. The way he moves so effortlessly. “And, no. Not smitten. Curious.”
Everett tracks my line of sight to exactly where my focus strayed. A low breath of annoyance slips out of him. “Be careful with Reeves.”
Jerked back to the present, my eyes snap to Everett. “What?”
“He’s bad news for a girl like you. You’d be smart to stay away from him.”
I frown. “I thought we were talking about the party?”
“We were until you were distracted by Reeves,” he counters.
Apparently, I’m not very subtle.
I rub my lips together. “Aren’t you two friends?”
“We are,” he clarifies, though I’m not exactly convinced. Sensing my hesitation, he squeezes the back of his neck, adding, “We’re teammates and roommates, and he’s Maverick’s best friend. We don’t always see eye to eye on shit, but I don’t mind hanging out with him, and yeah, I consider him a friend overall.”
“Quite the explanation,” I note.
“Yeah, well, once you get to know Reeves a little better, you’ll understand the clarification.”
“Who says I’ll get to know Reeves better?”
“Trust me. If I had any say, you wouldn’t, but we’re neighbors. There isn’t exactly a way to keep you two apart.”
My eyes thin. “Did you give Finley this same lecture?”
“I should,” he grumbles. “But it seems like Reeves isn’t interested in anyone but you.”
With a light scoff, I shake my head. “He’s not interested.”
“I think you might be surprised.”
“And I think you’re smokin’ somethin’.”