Page 72 of A Little Tempting
“It’s a school dance, Dylan. It’s not like you have to marry my brother or anything. Ohmygosh”—she grabs my arm and shakes me—“we could be sisters!”
With a light laugh, I shove her off me and head up the driveway. “You’re insane.”
“Optimistic,” she counters. “There’s a difference. Besides, I would be the best freaking sister-in-law in the entire world. Can you imagine how awesome I would treat your kids? I’m basically a ten out of ten.”
“Which is why Drew is so lucky to have you.”
“And you,” she points out. “You are also very lucky to have me.”
“Mm-hmm.” I bump her shoulder with mine. “You know I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“You know, if it doesn’t work out with you and Drew or me and Ev, you could always marry Griff,” I suggest. “Keep the whole sister vibe going.”
“Careful, or I might take you up on it.” She grins. “So do we track down Everett and deliver you now, or…?”
“There’s the object talk again,” I quip. “And no. I don’t know how you sleep in every morning with all the construction going on, but I’m exhausted. All I want to do is take out my contacts and go to sleep.”
“But there’s a party.”
“A party you’re welcome to attend all by yourself.”
“But what about my wingwoman?” she whines.
“I’m pretty sure you can handle a party without your wingwoman for one evening.”
Glowering at me, she argues, “I think you’re forgetting one vital piece of the puzzle.”
“What piece?”
“You have to make it through the party to get to your sanctuary, remember? It’s not like you can sneak through the second-floor window.”
From the sidewalk, I stare up at the jam-packed house. The blinds are open, showcasing exactly how much chaos waits for me while the music reverberates from the open front door and across the yard, rattling me to my core.
Steeling my shoulders, I take a deep breath. “It’ll be fine.”
“Oh, it will?”
“Yes,” I decide. “I’m gonna be a big girl, go through the front door, and beeline it to the second floor like a woman on a mission.” I yank her closer and press a lip-smacking kiss on her cheek. “Wish me luck.”
“Good luck, party pooper.”
With a wiggle of my fingers, I trek across the front lawn and walk inside, dodging a couple playing tongue hockey in the entryway. Someone shoves me from behind as I reach the base of the stairs, and I toss a cursory scowl over my shoulder at the asshole who pushed me when my attention catches on someone else across the room.
He’s standing beside a girl. The same girl from campus. Her hair is curled, and she’s wearing smokey, dark eye makeup, making her look like a freaking goddess. Seriously. She’s gorgeous. Reeves spreads his hand along her back and pulls her closer. He whispers something in her ear as her palm slides along his pec. She turns her head and smiles. Not at me. She doesn’t even know I exist. No, the smile is for him, but it twists the knife in my back all the same.
I shouldn’t care. I know I shouldn’t. Especially after tonight’s game.
But seeing him with her despite his warning earlier this week? Well, it’s the cherry on top of a craptastic day.
Grabbing the railing, I head to my room without a backward glance. Well, technically, it’s Griffin’s room, but I’m too exhausted to care about the distinction. I push the door open and stop short when the familiar creak of the headboard thumping against the wall mingles with moans. I spot a very naked girl straddling some dude I’ve never seen before. My heels dig into the ground.
Yup. There are definitely people having sex in the bed.
I take it back.Thisis the cherry on top of my craptastic day.