Page 139 of A Little Jaded
I scramble across the ground, wrap my arms around Everett’s neck, and sob. Fear. Exhaustion. Adrenaline. Relief. They all battle for the spotlight inside me, leaving me shredded and overwhelmed. So overwhelmed I feel like I can’t breathe. Like Drake’s hands are covering my mouth all over again. Like I can’t get my lungs to work, let alone my legs or arms or even my thoughts. It’s like a cloud hangs over me. Thick with thunder and lightning and rain and hail and?—
“Sh…” The coo vibrates against the shell of my ear as Everett holds me close. “Sh…it’s okay. It’s okay, Stormie.”
But honestly? I’m not so sure.
Brakes squeal seconds later, and I jerk in Everett’s hold, searching the street as if the boogeyman might pop out at any second. Then again, he already has. When I spot a sleek black motorcycle stopping in front of us, it takes me a second to recognize it. When my brother cuts the engine and swings his leg over the side, my brain attempts to piece together what the hell is happening and why he’s here.
He stalks toward me, still cradled in Everett’s arms as wesit on the icy ground, his face twisted with fury. “What the fuck?—”
Everett jumps to his feet and decks my brother in the face. “You told me you’d pick her up!”
“I was going to?—”
Everett swings, but my brother dodges him, so Everett’s busted-up knuckles only meet his forearms instead of Dodger’s face like he intended.
“I had a flat, all right?” Dodger says, defending himself. “Then I sent Pax to come get her, but he showed up alone a few minutes ago. As soon as he did, I came as fast as I could!”
“Not.”Hit.“Fucking.”Hit.“Good enough.”Hit.
The sound of flesh hitting flesh makes me flinch, but I’m too stunned to move.
“He got to her!” Everett booms. “He was fucking waiting for her?—”
“Stop!” Pushing to my feet, I stumble toward them. “Everett, stop!”
Blood trickles from his temple from the rock to the side of his head as he slowly turns to me, letting his balled-up fists fall to his sides. Like the fight has finally seeped out of him. Like the adrenaline has finally pumped through his system. His body sags slightly, and I move toward him, tucking myself against his side.
“Did he touch her?” Dodger demands.
“I’m fine,” I whisper.
My brother’s expression twists. “Where is he?”
“Ran,” Everett answers.
“Fuckin’ pussy.” Dodger’s molars grind. “Did you already call the cops?”
Everett nods. “They’re on their way.”
“Fuck.” Dodger looks around the empty streets and stays quiet, listening for sirens. “Come on, if we hurry, we can get out of here before they arrive. Let’s go.” He starts to movepast Everett, but Everett stops him by pressing his hand to my brother’s chest.
“He’s gonna get away with this if we don’t get out of here and take care of him ourselves.”
“Dodge,” Everett warns.
My brother shakes his head. “You saw how he handled the restraining order?—”
“Trust me,” Everett grits out. “I’m aware the bullshit piece of paper didn’t do a damn thing, but?—”
“Do you know how many stories are like this?” Dodger sneers. “Without enough fucking evidence to actually do anything? It’s gonna turn into a he said, she said contest, and he’s gonna get off scot-free after she’s forced to relive it a hundred fucking times.” He slams his closed fist against his chest. “And that’s if he doesn’t already have an alibi in place. The guy might be an abusive prick, but it’s clear he isn’t stupid. And let’s say the cops do believe her. Do you have any idea how long it’ll take? He could make bail or press charges against you for assault.”
“I was protecting her?—”
“It doesn’t. Fucking. Matter,” Dodger spits until he’s nose to nose with Everett in the dark parking lot. “He’s gonna get away?—”
“It won’t happen. I won’t let it.”