Page 25 of A Little Jaded
“Uh, both, please,” I reply, sitting across from the girls I’ve literally never seen in my entire life. Scratch that. My gaze narrows as I study Dylan carefully. “Do I know you?”
“I’m pretty sure we saw each other after the Hawks game when you came looking for my boyfriend.” When I blanch, she laughs. “Dude, you’re totally fine. Don’t stress.”
“I didn’t know he was unavailable.”
“Don’t worry. I know why you were looking for him,” she replies carefully. “Speaking of which…” Her attention drops to my swollen mouth. “How are you feeling?”
My tongue drags against the damage on instinct, and I flinch then gently rub my lips together as if it’ll hide the evidence from last night. “I’m, uh, I’m fine. Thanks.”
They’re not idiots. They know I’m far from fine, but the girls have enough social prowess not to call me out for my bullshit. It makes me like them even more.
“So, tell us about yourself,” Ophelia says while Finley continues rummaging through the kitchen cabinets. “Where are you from?”
“I grew up right outside Lockwood Heights and moved to Cedar Springs a little while ago,” I answer.
“Are you going to school at Grove University?”
I shake my head. “No, I’m actually apprenticing at a tattoo studio.”
Ophelia’s eyes widen. “Seriously? Don’t tell my boyfriend, but I’ve been dying to get a tattoo.”
“You should check out my dad’s work. He's amazing.”
“Aww, is he the one teaching you?” Dylan asks.
I shake my head. “Actually, no. I thought about it, but…I kind of felt guilty, I guess. Like it would make me a nepo baby or something.”
A nepo baby is someone who becomes famous by riding on their parents’ coattails. Usually, it’s directed toward actors or celebrities, but considering my circumstances and who my dad is, the term still fits. Drake’s words come back to me from when I first mentioned my interest in working at my dad’s tattoo shop, Etch ‘N’ Ink. He scoffed, saying I was better than a free pass, suggesting I check out the tattoo parlor across the street from our apartment to see if anyone would be willing to work with me. By some miracle, Lucian took me on as an apprentice, and I haven’t looked back.
“Working with your dad wouldn’t make you a nepo baby,” Dylan argues. “And even if it did, only your talent will get you clients. Not your dad’s.”
“Dylan’s right,” Ophelia agrees. “And if I actually decide to take the plunge, I’ll be happy to be your first client.”
Steam swirls in the air as Finley sets a mug in front of me, then leans her hip against the edge of the table. “Speaking of first clients, tell us what you think about my brother because he is clearly smitten.”
“Smitten?” Dylan scoffs. “What are we? From the fifteenth century?”
“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with being smitten,” Finley argues. “I want to be smitten, and I sure as shit want the guy I end up with to be smitten, too.”
“You’re saying Drew isn’t smitten?” Ophelia pipes up, though I have no idea who she’s talking about.
“My boyfriend’s plenty smitten,” Finley argues.
Ah. Drew’s the boyfriend. Got it.
“And we aren’t talking about me and Drew,” Finley adds, “we’re talking about our new friend, Raine”—she waves her hand toward me—“and my big brother. So?” She bats her lashes at me, not so patiently waiting for my response.
I’m not sure what she expects me to say. Everett’s…Everett. I don’t know him. Not really. I know he plays hockey. I know he’s good. I know he has a little sister who’s a bit pushy but nice. I know he’s protective. And I know he’s kind because only a kind person would leave their house in the middle of the night to pick up a stranger on the side of the road and offer them a place to sleep with no questions asked. Okay, technically, he did ask a question or two, but?—
“Hmm?” Finley prods.
With a shrug, I offer, “Your brother’s really…nice.”
I tug on the hem of…yup, I’m still wearing Everett’s shirt in the middle of his kitchen while surrounded by his sister and her friends.Perfect.I stop fidgeting with the soft cotton and clear my throat. “I don’t know what else you want me to say.”
“Are you guys like…officially fake dating, or…whatever?” Ophelia asks.