Page 27 of A Little Jaded
“Technically, we aren’t related,” I rush out. “My dad was roommates with his uncle a couple decades ago. And I’m, uh, I’m so sorry I didn’t make it to the funeral. Really, I am.” I swallow the acid in my throat. “How are you? How are…things?”
“I thought your name was Raine,” Everett growls from the edge of the room. It’s not like I didn’t notice when he first walked in. The guy’s freaking gorgeous, but I was a little distracted, thanks to the family connection that could screw everything up if he decides to open his mouth to my parents.
Ignoring the panicked butterflies in my lower stomach, I argue, “Raine is my real name.”
“Her family calls her Bo,” Maverick informs him.
“Hold up,” Finley interjects. “One, that’s adorable. And two, why Bo?”
Mav scrubs his hand over his face. “I don’t know? Her mom had a miscarriage before Raine, and since Raine was her rainbow baby…”
“Ah, like after the storm,” Finley realizes. “Arainbow. Okay, that’s so cute!”
“My mom says the pregnancy was super rough,” I add. “She puked the entire time. Had to have an I.V. to keep liquids down. It was a whole…thing. So, my dad started calling me Rainbow when I was in the womb to help remind her things would get better. Then Rainbow turned to Bo without thew, and it kind of stuck, even though my first name is Raine.” I turn to Everett, praying he can see my sincerity.
If he does, he doesn’t show it. Nope. This man’s emotions are officially on lockdown.
“Did you know Maverick’s my roommate?” he demands.
I shake my head. “If I did, I wouldn’t be here.”
“Why?” Maverick crosses his arms over his bare chest. There's a scar on it close to six inches long, reaching from his collarbone to the bottom of his sternum, thanks to his heart transplant, or at least it’s what I heard down the pipeline. And the funeral I apologized for missing? It was his twin brother’s. Archer. The two were always inseparable, and the fact Maverick has Archer’s heart? It’s…well, I guess it shows how twisted fate can be sometimes.
And so is the fact that I’m here. In his kitchen. When I’d rather be anywhere else. Especially if there’s any possibility of him relaying my experience with Drake to anyone who might pass the information along to my family.
Dipping my chin, I stare at the table in front of me, then start to stand. “I should go.”
“Stay,” Reeves orders.
I plop back down in my seat and chew on the edge of my thumb. This is bad. Really bad, actually. How do I get out of here?
“How’d you sleep?” Reeves asks me.
I drop my hand back to my lap and force myself to stop fidgeting. “I, uh, good, I guess.”
Reeves eyes gleam, and he smacks Maverick’s shoulder. “And how’d you sleep? I almost forgot last night was your first one home since the surgery.”
“I slept good,” Mav answers.
“Weslept good,” Ophelia clarifies with a smirk. It pulls a low laugh from Maverick as he leans in for another kiss.
I can’t help the jealousy flaring in my chest. He’s so sweet with her. His hand on the back of her neck as he rubs slow circles. The way she smiles up at him like he hung the moon.
It’s love. Pure. Unrestrained. Love.
And I’m so happy for him. He deserves it more than anyone.
However, it also makes me feel like I’m most definitely intruding, so I stare at my hands instead, fighting their trembling.
“Mav,” Reeves orders.
Maverick turns to him and quirks his brow.
“Mind giving us a minute with your cousin?”
“Not related,” I remind him.
Ignoring me, Mav nods to his friend and pulls Ophelia with him.