Page 64 of A Little Jaded
“Perfect timing,” Griff adds, lifting his chin toward the crowded family room. “The game’s about to start.”
“Do you know which one Cameron picked?” I ask.
Griffin’s lip twitches, but instead of answering me, he gives our teammate his full attention, so I force myself to do the same.
This is going to be a long night.
“All right, all right!” Cameron yells from the center of the family room. “By some miracle, I won the last game night, which means, I won this bad boy, too.” He lifts the ugly ass gold medallion from his neck, kisses the medal, and rests it on his puffed-up chest like it's his most prized possession.
“And tonight’s game is…Spin the Bottle!” he continues. Cheering erupts. It bounces off the walls as my attention drifts to Raine. If she’s pissed, she doesn’t show it. She almost looks…nervous. Pouty—and now healed—lips parted. Breath stilted. Deer in the headlights glazed eyes while she clicks her black nails together in front of her.
Tried to warn you, sweetheart.
As if she can read my thoughts, she peeks over at me, catches me staring, then turns back to Cameron and lifts her chin an inch higher in the air.
“Rules are simple,” Cameron continues. “Everyone splits into groups of ten. Freshmen will pass out bottles forspinning and shots for those looking for a little liquid courage. When it's your turn,Spin the Bottle. Whoever it lands on, you kiss.”
Reeves steps up beside him, adding, “As always, leave your jealousy at the door. If you don’t trust your partner enough to see them kiss a stranger, are you even in a healthy relationship?” Dylan snorts beside him, and he tosses her a wink, adding, “And, as always, consent is necessary. You both must agree on where the kiss should be placed, or you can pass by taking a shot. Like Cameron said, freshmen will walk around with them in case you need one, so just flag them down. And, if anyone has a problem, come talk to me, Griff, or Ev. Any questions?” He barely waits a second before nodding at Cameron, urging him to continue.
“Let’s go!” Cameron booms.
Like ants, everyone scatters, splitting up into groups of ten and claiming different territories of the house in preparation for tonight’s game. When I catch a flash of Finley disappearing around the corner, I call, “Griff.”
“Keep an eye on Fin for me.”
“You think I can control anything the girl does?” he counters.
“You’re the only one I trust. Just do it.”
I don’t wait for his response as I grab Raine’s hand and tug her toward one of the back rooms in search of…fuck, I don’t even know at this point. Sanity? Clarity? A moment to fucking breathe and wrap my head around the idea of someone kissing Raine before I even have a chance to?
And since when have I wanted a chance to kiss her?
What the hell is my problem tonight?
Trailing behind me, Raine asks, “We’re seriously playingSpin the Bottle? What is everyone? Twelve?”
“It’s the lazy man’s choice,” I agree as I push us both into a nook in the hallway. “Fitting, since Cameron’s the one who chose.”
“You don’t like Cameron?”
“No one likes Cameron,” I reply dryly. “But yeah, if we’re keeping up pretenses, I think we should play.”
With a shrug, I offer, “At least we have a loophole in case you don’t want to kiss anyone.”
“Taking a shot?” She rolls her eyes. “Which means the longer you play, the fewer shots are taken, am I right?”
The girl isn’t wrong.