Page 138 of A Little Secret
Tires squeal seconds later, and I force my body around, facing Everett and the love of my life.
Finley’s pale. Her bottom lip trembling. Because this is the moment. The one we’ve dreaded. The one we both hoped would never arrive, yet here it is. Glaring down at us. The truth is exposed for everyone to see. And to judge. And to fucking twist until there’s nothing left.
“Ev,” Finley begs.
Ignoring her, Everett demands, “Now we’ll deal with our shit. Why’d you lie?”
It’s the crux of everything, isn’t it? Why did I lie? Even now, I wish I had a better answer. One he would understand. One he would empathize with. But he’s my best friend, and I fucked up. It’s as plain and simple as that.
“All I want. All I have ever wanted,” I clarify, “is for Finley to be happy and safe and healthy, same as you.”
“Then why’d you lie?” he repeats.
It’s a good question. One I’ve asked myself a hundred times. The problem is, I’m not sure there’s anything I can say to justify it. I lied. To everyone. My best friend. My family. Uncle Henry. I screwed up.
As I stand motionless, Finley reaches for me, lacing our fingers together while putting on a strong front. A strong front both of us desperately need if we want to get through this.
“Start. Talking,” Everett grits out.
With a sigh, I tear my focus from our interlocked hands and hold my best friend’s glare. “I thought the only way I could see Fin happy and safe and healthy is to be close to her family and her doctor.”
“Still doesn’t answer the question,” he points out. “Because technically, my sister can be happy and safe and healthy and be close to her family and her doctor”—he moves closer, his chest heaving—“with or without you. So, why did you lie?”
“Back the hell up, Everett,” Finley snaps. Placing herself between us, she jabs at his chest. “You have no idea what you’re talking about, do you hear me?”
“Fin.” I tug on our laced fingers, pulling her back from going head-to-head with Everett. When she looks over her shoulder at me, her eyes blazing with fury, I murmur, “I gave you a minute to clean shit up with Drew. Mind if you give me a minute with Ev?”
Lips pressed together, she keeps her eyes locked on mine, then turns to her older brother. “You hit him, I kick you in the balls. We clear?”
His hands stay fisted at his sides.
“I mean it,” she pushes. “I’m not afraid to check your knuckles after all this is said and done, so don’t test me.”
Squeezing Finley’s fingers, I say, “Go, Fin. I’ll meet you in your room.”
“You have five minutes.” She brings my fingers to her lips, kisses the knuckles, then lets me go and disappears down the hall, leaving me alone with my best friend turned enemy if I didn’t know any better.
With another sigh, I walk toward the couches in the family room, wipe my hands on my jeans, and collapse onto one of the cushions. “Take a seat, Ev.”
“Why should I?”
“Because whether or not we’re able to salvage our friendship, I’m gonna be your brother-in-law one day, so we might as well sort our shit out.”
Grudgingly, he strides toward the opposite sofa and sits down but doesn’t say a single fucking word.
“I’m in love with your sister,” I announce. “I know it’s no excuse, but I am. And honestly, in a fucked-up kind of way, all of this should make you happy.”
He scoffs. “Bullshit.”
“I’m serious,” I push. “If you take anything away from this fucked-up situation, it’s the knowledge that I’d sacrifice anything for her. Including my career. My reputation. And you.” I look up from my bruised knuckles. “My best friend. Mybrother. That’s how much I love Finley. How willingly I’d do anything to keep her safe and to make her happy. It’s all you ever wanted for her, right? To find someone who would do anything—be anything—for her, and I promise you, I will.”
“I’m not arguing with you on that front. I’m pissed because you lied to me.”
“Did I?” I question.
Another scoff escapes him. “Seriously, man? That’s the bullshit stance you’re gonna take?”
“If we’re going by hard facts, you’re right. Biologically,I’m not the father. But in every way that matters, I will be this baby’s dad. Every. Fucking. Way.”