Page 154 of A Little Secret
As I lift my hair from my neck, he takes the simple chain and clasps it around me before pulling me into his arms and kissing me like it’s his last. And honestly? I wouldn’t have it any other way.
A few months later…
Sometimes, it blows my mind. How fast time can fly, yet drag at the same time. The last three months have been the hardest of my life. I’ve been in a fog, blindly stumbling through it while juggling classes and friendships and families and work. Now, here we are, in the Bahamas, celebrating the end of spring semester and the boys’ graduation. The guys are playing volleyball in the sand while the rest of us soak up the sunshine.
After spreading out a pink and yellow towel between Dylan’s and Raine’s, I plop down and tug my hair into a messy bun on top of my head.
“Dude, I’m already hot,” I point out.
Fiddling with her black bikini top, Raine says, “You and me both. I love it, though.”
“Me, too.” I lay down and arch my back, stretching out on my towel, when I catch Griffin smirking at me. With a wry grin, I wiggle my fingers at him.
Dylan gags beside me. “He’s still my brother, you know.”
“And he’s still my boyfriend, so, suck it up, buttercup.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. You’re just lucky I left Frankie at home.”
A shiver races down my spine as I move onto my stomach and rest my chin in my hands, letting the sun hit my back. “And who’s watching your little demon, anyway?”
“Tatum,” Dylan answers. She’s only half paying attention since her gaze is glued to Reeves’ half-naked body as he winds up to serve the volleyball over the net.
Then again, I don’t blame her for being distracted. Those boys are creating quite the stir. People are pausing on their walks, watching the friendly game like it’s an Olympic sport, and the view isn’t too shabby.
Ophelia snorts beside Dylan, stealing my attention. “Then, good luck. Hope you don’t mind buying another frog after my little sister starves Frankie.”
“Hey!” Dylan tosses some sand at Ophelia.
Laughing, Ophelia squeals, “Hey, watch it!”
“You’re the one who joked about my baby’s death, thank you very much.” She blanches and turns to me. “Shit. I didn’t…”
“You’re good,” I rush out. “I know you didn’t mean anything by it.”
“I know, but still. It was super insensitive.”
Reaching toward her, I grab her knee and move it back and forth. “Seriously, you’re fine. I promise. And honestly? It’s nice. To just…be here with you guys, you know? The last few months have been a blur, and I’m excited for a fresh start this next year.”
“I don’t blame you,” Raine offers.
“So, how are things?” Ophelia asks.
I shrug. “They’re good, I guess. Still weird, but…at least Idon’t have anyone telling me it’s for the best or my baby’s in a better place or any of that other bullshit. Not that it’s their fault when they say those things,” I add. “But sometimes, I just wish more people would’ve told me, ‘That sucks, and I’m sorry.’ You know?”
“After everything went down with Archer, comments like that were so refreshing. Like sometimes life sucks. And there isn’t a reason for it. It just…sucks.”
“Exactly.” I smile at her. “And I had a few months that sucked, is all. But it is what it is and…it is what it is,” I repeat.
“And how are you and Griff?” Dylan prods.
“We’re good.” A smile hits my lips. “Really good, actually.”
“I’m glad. Now I can cross you off my worry list,” Ophelia replies.