Page 83 of A Little Secret
“Not gonna happen,” Everett growls.
My ears perk, and I turn toward my best friend.
Dreggs is straddling the bench, gripping the sides with his bare hands, his gloves haphazardly tossed in front of his crotch as he stares up at Everett.
“One date. It’s not a big deal.”
Everett rolls his shoulders and catches me eavesdropping. “Will you tell this asshat to leave my little sister alone?”
“Leave his little sister alone,” I say around the edge of the water bottle and finish what’s left of it.
Dreggs scoffs. “What? Afraid it’ll mess with my playing or some shit? ‘Cause I’m pretty sure that’s the only reason my captain would be allowed to have any say in who I do or don’t date.”
Jealousy hits my sternum, and my fingers squeeze into the water bottle as I force my expression to remain indifferent. Part of me wants to kick his ass for insubordination. For thinking he has a chance with Finley in the first place. For recognizing that he has every right to ask her out because he has no idea she’s already taken. Already mine.
Wiping my hand with the back of my mouth, I dig deep for indifference and point out, “Everett has a stick up his ass when it comes to his baby sister. You know this.”
“It’s one date,” Dreggs argues.
“Yeah,” Everett grunts, spreading his legs wide. “One date too many.”
Dreggs scoffs. “She dated her boyfriend for how long?”
“Too long,” I offer.
“She deserves to have some freedom,” Everett explains. “Especially after being tied down to a dick like Drew.”
“Then let me take her out…show her a good time…give her a glimpse of what it’s like to date a real man.” Lifting his arms, Dreggs flexes his biceps as if to give us a physical representation of what a real man looks like, and my forehead furrows in disgust.
“She isn’t interested,” Everett tells him.
“She looked interested,” Dreggs argues.
My best friend scoffs. “No, she didn’t.”
“Did you hear her say no when I asked?” he counters.
My stomach bottoms out, and I set the empty water bottle with the rest so they can be washed and refilled for the next period.
She didn’t say no?
What the fuck, Fin?
Trying not to lose my shit, I take a deep breath.
“Enough begging, Dreggs,” Everett warns. “Your captain said no.”
“Is that right?” Dreggs counters. His focus shifts to me. “You’re really pulling the captain card, man?”
“Looks like it,” I mutter.
With a grin, Everett stands and slaps his hand against my shoulder pads. “Glad to see someone has my back.”
“Glad I can be of service,” I grumble.
But even then, I can’t erase Dreggs’s words from haunting me.
Did you hear her say no when I asked?