Page 6 of My December Darling
“Of course. Like I’d ever miss out on an opportunity to make a little money.” I waggle my brows.
She frowns. “If I knew you were strapped for cash, I would’ve been happy to lend you some.”
I give her a little shove, and we both laugh.
My mom gasps behind me. “Wait! We forgot the tiara!” She takes off running to the front door of the wedding dress shop, leaving Gabriela and me alone for the first time all day.
“God forbid we don’t try on the tiara,” I say, making Gabriela chuckle under her breath. “Seriously, how did you manage to not kill her while planning the wedding?”
“For the most part, it wasn’ttoobad.”
“Except for the fact that you’re having a church wedding despite Aiden being an atheist.”
Gabriela’sshushcomes out like a hiss. “Mami doesn’t know that.”
“She hasn’t put two-and-two together yet with all those Masses you attend?”
“Nope. Aiden just dips his head and pretends he’s praying the whole time. Works like a charm every Sunday.”
“Let me guess. He’s sleeping?” As someone who has a similar nocturnal schedule, I get it.
“Of course! Between paying for the wedding, saving up for a new house, and wanting to earn enough days to have a proper honeymoon, he’s working every night shift possible.”
I tuck a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. “He’s a good guy.”
“You would know since you dated him too.”
Gabriela is the only one who can manage to make me laugh hard enough to have my eyes water.
She pulls me in for a hug. “I’m so happy you’re sticking around for the whole month.”
“Really?” I ask, somewhat surprised by my sister’s confession. Ever since she got engaged, things have felt tensebetween us, so I expected her to be a bit more hesitant about my presence.
“Of course.” My sister’s cheeks flush. “And who knows. Maybe you love it here so much that you decide to stay longer.”
“The agency is already reaching out to me about my plans for next year.” I chose to be a traveling pediatric nurse for a reason, and it has nothing to do with how competitive the field is. Plus, I get to visit a bunch of new places, so what’s not to love?
The loneliness, for starters.
I shove the thought aside.
“Do you have to leave so soon after I get married?” Her watery smile makes my chest tighten uncomfortably, so I respond in the only way I know how.
“You know me. Can’t stay in one place for too long before I get the itch.” Exploring new places through my camera lens has become my favorite pastime, and it’s helped me step out of my comfort zone. I’ve met new people, learned to put myself out there, and shed some of my shyness in the process.
I can’t imagine settling down in Lake Wisteria again. At least notyet.
I thought I’d have my life figured out before I came back. I’d hoped to meet someone special first, and I have serious doubts that it’s going to be possible in our small town. Not to mention that I’ve sworn off all men from Lake Wisteria after everything that happened with Aiden and my sister.
It seems less messy and risky to search elsewhere.
And how is that going for you?
I press my lips together to stop myself from scowling. Constantly being on the move for my job means that I’m not able to build long-lasting connections, so I’m the only one to blame for my pitiful relationship status.
“It’s so nice to have you home again though.” My sister yanks me back into the conversation.
“Same.” Visiting twice a year somehow feels like long enough at the moment yet also never long enough as soon as I leave.