Page 32 of Hook
"Look, I don't know how much you know about the men I was with last night, but they're not good people. From what I just found out, it seems like they are the worst of the worst." I shake my head, but instead of Luna agreeing with me, she seems shocked.
"Why are you saying that?"
"Hook, the man I was with. He's an ex-con. He's been to jail."
Luna chuckles at that. "You know, I never took you for the extra judgmental type. You really must not be from around here. All the members of that club are ex-cons, but that doesn't make them bad people. From what I know, they are the only ones trying to keep these streets safe. They all served their time and paid their debts to society. I think that's enough, unless you're one of those people who think one mistake should dictate how someone is treated for the rest of their lives. You've never made a mistake before?"
My mouth drops open at her question. Of course, I've made mistakes; just none as severe as what I read from Hook's background.
I don't have an answer for Luna. As much as I don't want to admit it, she's right. So far, the only times I've seen Hook lose it were when he was trying to protect me. Hell, the man even brought me to the police station so I could get the normal assistance; it's just that Lance was the normal creep.
"Oh god, what have I done?" I whisper and press a hand to my forehead. It's been a while since I've had anything to eat, and I'm starting to feel a little dizzy on top of the fact that I acted like a raging bitch to the only person who'd shown me even the smallest shred of decency since all this shit started.
"You okay?" Luna asks, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I just... I said some awful things to Hook. I'm dealing with some pretty heavy stuff, and I started to think he was more of the same."
Luna nods her head. "I feel you, but don't make him pay for someone else's mistakes. If he's going to fuck up, let him do it on his own."
"Thanks for this," I smile at her and take a step back, finally looking down at her outfit.
"No problem. I know what it's like to think there's a big bad around every corner." She shrugs. "I've got to get back home before Wendy wakes up. If you choose not to leave, I hope to see you again." She smiles and takes off in the opposite direction.
I look at the last fourteen dollars and change I have in my pocket and think about going to get some gas. Then again, I know it's not going to get me very far. Running never has.
I pluck out one of the quarters and walk to the nearest payphone. I'm not going to run from Hook. I'm not going to condemn him for something he's already paid for. Just thinking about how I acted toward him made me feel like a shit human being.
It takes me a few minutes of going through the operator before I can find his tow truck company. When I'm put through I can tell by the way he's talking to me that he doesn't know it's me on the line.
It's hard not to laugh when I tell him I'm at the gas station and my car won't turn over. He even has the nerve to ask me if I tried to put gas in the car. It takes a bit of going back and forth before he agrees to come pick me up.
I stand by my car with my hazards flashing so he knows where to go and wait in the mid day sun. Looking around I see people going from place to place, completely unaware of the mess that I'm in. I wonder how many of them have ever found themselves in a situation they didn't feel they had any way to get out of. Iwonder how many of them have hidden scars no one can see, how many of them were like me.
My eyes scan the horizon off and on both looking for any sign of Lance and his buddies and also looking for Hook. I know I fucked up and I know I'm going to have to do some apologizing but I'm actually excited about that.
Last night is still fresh in my brain. I know he can make me feel things no other man has and I hope he's willing to give that another go, that is if he even accepts my apology to begin with.
A sigh of relief puffs out my chest as I see Hook drive up in front of me. I can see him through the windshield. His face drops and I watch him mouth the words, 'What the fuck.' Before he slumps in his seat.
He wasn't expecting to see me here. I'm probably the last person he wants to be helping after all the shit I said to him. Still he hops out of his truck to do his job. He glares at me for a second before walking around to the driver side of the car to pop the hood. He's going to ignore me. I deserve it but I'm not going to let it fly.
I'm going to face this problem head on.
Before he can get to the front of the car I close the distance between us and step in front of him.
"Listen to me." I say when he opens his mouth but he shakes his head and tries to push me aside.
"I don't have time for this bullshit. Get another tow truck."
I grab hold of his shirt and push him back against the car. The only reason I'm able to is because he lets me. Otherwise there would be no way. "No, just listen."
This time instead of leaving some space between us I press myself against his body. "I'm an ass. I was scared. I saw all that stuff online about what you've done and all I saw was how I ignored all the shit Lance did. I know you and him are different, even if you like to say otherwise. You're not the same as him. I'm sorry, Hook. I shouldn't have reacted like that. Can you forgive me?" I look up into his eyes, doing my best pout.
It's been a while since I've had to use this skill on anyone. It didn't work on Lance, simply because the man had no heart.
Hook ground his teeth together, and I can feel his body trembling from both anger and frustration.
"I need you, Hook. And after all, I'm yours remember?" I run my hands up the front of his shirt and he lets's out an exaggerated breath.