Page 38 of Hook
"No, I'd like to get a glimpse—" Before he can even finish the statement, I've got his collar in my fist and I'm ready to knock his fucking head off his body.
"My bad, my bad!" Pipe instantly cringes away and puts his hands up to show he means no harm. I don't give a fuck if he's just messing around. I'm not going to let anyone disrespect my woman.
My woman.
It feels nice to say.
"Boys!" Brick calls out as he walks out of his room and into church. Everyone follows behind, and I watch as the soft white light starts to flash in the halls and in the rooms. It's a silent calling system to let everyone know to get up off their ass and get to church.
By the time I get to my seat in church, I notice how pissed Brick looks. It's not every day that I see him looking like he wants to kill someone. Sure, he's a grump, but he doesn't wear his emotions on his face.
"Something going on, Prez?" Torch asks as he comes in and closes the church door behind him. We don't allow the prospects into church, mostly because they wouldn't have any say in whatever is going on anyway. They are only around to do what we tell them and pray that they make it through the ride.
"Yeah, we've got a big fucking problem. One I didn't want to have to deal with, but now I'm being left with no choice," Brick growls as he fists his hand on the table in front of him. The room goes silent, and I feel every eye trained on me. The only thing that's changed in the past few days is the mess I've gotten myself into.
I'm confused. If Brick was having any more issues with Bea, I was sure he'd bring it to me first.
"Is it about Bea?" I ask, nearly scared for him to tell me that I have to kick her out. That would mean I'd have to drop my rags. I made a vow to her that I'd protect her; I can't just go back on that.
"No, it's nothing to do with the little lady curled up in a sex coma in your bed." Brick waves his hand, but a bright smile spreads on my face. Sex coma? Yeah, I did that. My chest puffs out a little bit.
"I'm telling you I need to take some notes," Pipe says again, and everyone laughs, completely forgetting the fact that Brick called us in here because there was a problem.
"Shut the fuck up," Brick barks.
The jokes subside, and we all focus on him. Whatever is going on is serious.
"What is it?" I ask, wanting him to get to the point so I know what our next moves are going to be.
"I just got a call from one of my informants that the cops raided two houses around the corner. It seems like the Seven Oh Sevens have set up shop in our backyard and have been peddling smack to the locals. There's word that the cops think we've got something to do with it." Brick continues, and a round of groans and curses filter through the group sitting here in the room.
It's not that any of us are actually dealing, but it's the fact that we're back on the cops' radar. With all of us being felons and most of us still on parole, the cops only need to find one thing to send us back to the slammer—something that none of uswant. It's why Brick made the rule that there would be no illegal activity in the clubhouse or in the strip mall attached to it. If the Seven Oh Sevens are dealing this close to us, the cops might try to take us in as accessories, or they could try to pin it on us. They may even try to plant some shit in one of our businesses. There's just a whole slew of shit that could go wrong.
What makes it all even worse is that we, the BCMC, and the Seven Oh Sevens have a makeshift treaty in place. They stay on their side of town, and we'll stay on our side. We don't mess with them, and they don't mess with us. The fact that they are dealing right in our backyard means that the treaty is null and void. They think we're weak, so now we're going to have to show them that we aren't or risk being the pussies in the hood. We can't let our reputation take a hit like that.
"I've got a meeting with Dutch in an hour. I want everyone ready to roll out in thirty." Brick gives the order, and I feel my stomach clench. We're about to roll into a fight. There's a chance that we don't make it out. In our group, the only people who are legally allowed to carry a weapon are Semi and Torch since they are both off probation. The rest of us either carry a blade or something else we can use as a weapon, but I know the Seven Oh Sevens don't have the same rules. All of them are going to be strapped.
There's a good chance some or all of us might not make it back from this meeting if shit goes bad. Either way, we've got to go handle this.
"I'll be ready," I say and stand from my seat as do the rest of my brothers. No one is going to leave Brick to handle this on his own. We've all got his back.
We file out of church, and while everyone goes around to get what they need for the ride, I head straight up to my room to look in on Bea, who is still sound asleep. I stand at the door and just take in her lying in my bed. I commit her face to memory, watching the way her chest rises and falls with each breath.
She is my glimpse of perfection, and if I go down today at this meeting, at least I got to hold her for a while.
Dutch is standing there ready for us, a crew of his little gangsters around him as we ride up and get off our bikes. Brick slides his helmet off his head and hooks it onto the handlebars of his bike.
"You've got some nerve bringing your entire club to my doorstep," Dutch tsks but doesn't move from where he's standing or even let his eyes drift away from Brick. I walk to the side of Brick just so he knows I'm by his side if anything were to pop off.
"That's rich coming from you. How many of your little boys do you have out here with you?" Brick pokes back, and a few of the Seven Oh Sevens take a step forward like they're ready to take their shot.
"You better cool the fuck out," I snap at them. "You don't want these problems." I stare down everyone who moved until they settle.
"I guess you're right about that," Dutch continues. "Now what the hell do you want? I've got shit to handle."
"Dutch, we had an agreement. If you're not going to uphold your part of the deal, then it's going to be open season for the BrutalChains. You may have more bodies, but I promise you they're nothing compared to my brothers. We'll make your life a living hell long before the cops ever have a chance to realize it's us doing it." Brick is quick with the threats.
"What the fuck are you talking about? I've kept my word," Dutch stares at Brick, this time his face filled with confusion.