Page 9 of Hook
I stare the guy down. He's breathing hard. Yet another bit of evidence to let me know this man is no real killer. He's a poser. Thinks he's a big man because he's got a weapon on hand. It takes more than a gun to make someone a stone-cold killer.
We stare each other down for a few more seconds, neither one of us flinching, until finally the guy steps away from me, a fake smile plastered on his face.
"Like I said, we don't want any trouble." He puts his hands up, and I get a look at the small part of skin near his wrists that are exposed. I see prison ink.
What the hell is this girl mixed up in?
"We'll be on our way." He taps his friend on the shoulder, and they turn and walk out as if the entire interaction never happened.
I wait until I see them leave the property and get into a car before I walk swiftly to the part of the fence I know Bea is hiding behind.
"Wait!" She tries to speak, but I put a finger over her mouth and glare down at her.
When I know she's not going to make another sound, I grab hold of her hand, and skirting the backside of the lot, I go into the small building where my office and some of my supplies are kept.
Quickly shutting the door behind us, I push Bea into one of the chairs and clasp my hands on the armrests on either side of her.
"Now, sweetheart, I'm going to ask you some questions, and you're going to tell me the truth. My life was just threatened for you. Now I want to know who exactly I'm protecting. You hold no cards here. I'm in control. So lie to me if you want to. I dare you."
I snarl at her, but instead of her being scared or upset, she simply raises her chin, her eyes staying steady on mine.
"Or what?" she snaps back.
Oh... yes... I love my women with a little bite.
This is going to be fun.
I should be moreconcerned with the fact that Hook is basically holding me hostage in this chair. His arms are on either side of me. If I wanted to get out of this chair, I'd have to physically move him. Not that I could, now that he's closer to me, I can see how muscular he really is. I'm pretty sure he could hold me down with just one hand.
My stomach clenches at that thought.
He's not Lance.
Not everyone is Lance.
I release a deep breath and feel the warmth from Hook being so close to me against my body. It's been a few days since I've been warm and even though I know I should stay on my guard, I feel so good.
"Yo!" Hook shakes the chair slightly and I realize he must have said something to me. I was about to fall asleep right there. I'mso tired. Like every last muscle in my body is trying to wind down for a long sleep.
"What?" I ask annoyed and focus my eyes on him. I lean back in the chair not wanting to get any closer to him. The last thing I need right now is for him to get the wrong impression about anything.
"I asked you a question sweetheart. Didn't you hear me?"
I shake my head and look away, "Sorry I missed it. I'm... I haven't been able to get any sleep."
His eyes darkened and he stood up straight, moving his hands away from me. "Where are you staying?"
"I was staying in my car but as you know I don't have the option anymore." I give him a sickly sweet smile.
He squeezes his eyes shut and curses under his breath. "Fuck."
"Listen, I'll be fine." I don't want him feeling bad for me. I'm grown and can take care of myself.
"Bullshit. Who were those two men? Why were they looking for you?" Hook crosses his arms over his chest and glares down at me.