Page 79 of Rise of the Queen
“Andrei can see auras. He can also see where there’s holes in the auras,” Adrik said.
Ivan put it together in his head. “I can see when they have demons trying to get in through those holes. Viktor can help ensure that doesn’t happen.”
“You’re needed, Stephen, when the demon has already gotten in and has taken over so completely that there is no other choice. You’re the last chance that soul has at surviving,” I said.
Ivan glanced at Stephen, who was looking down at the counter during this conversation. He nudged him, causing Stephen to look at him. Ivan pointed to me. “Her eyes,” was all he said.
Stephen glanced over at me, an immediate look of wonderment on his face. “I thought the black was difficult to get used to, but the purple might be even stranger. Can you do red next? I feel like that will make Vlad feel more comfortable once he makes it out of customs.” When I laughed, they changed togreen. Stephen hadn’t seen them as they changed yet. “Whoa. I just saw that, but my brain is freaking out trying to convince me I didn’t just see that.”
Adrik turned me to face him, so he could see what color they were. “That’s not even the best transition. When they go from black to one of the other colors, it’s incredible.”
“Speaking of, I think he needs to know about your eyes and Ivan’s eyes. His presence is going to bring out the violence in any demon we meet, which will also bring ours forward. It’s going to freak him out if he’s not prepared,”I thought. I was trying to talk to both Adrik and Ivan at the same time.
I wasn’t sure it had worked, until I heard Ivan say to Stephen, “So, there’s something else you should know about, since your presence is going to really irritate all demons from here on out.”
I turned to look at Ivan, who had his eyes closed. I could feel his anger, just under the surface. When he opened his eyes, they were just as black as mine. I grinned as Stephen’s jaw hit the floor.
“It’s not just him either,” I heard Adrik say. I turned to look at his eyes, now also just as black as mine.
“I’ve never regretted not wearing adult diapers so much in my entire life as this moment here,” Stephen said, completely shocked.
Both Adrik and Ivan closed their eyes, turning them back to normal. “Allow me to explain,” I said, walking to Stephen. I slid my arm across his shoulders, as he sat in the kitchen. He wrapped one arm around my waist like he was holding on for dear life. “Battista was correct when he said that my black eyes were a warning to other demons that I owned them, but he didn’t know the full specifics of it. He also didn’t know that Adrik and Ivan were the same as me in that respect. Remember when Itold you the best way to defeat your demons was to make friends with them?” I asked, looking down at Stephen.
His eyes got wider. “You’re working with your demons.”
“Mostly correct. They work for us. It’s virtually unheard of, which is why Battista couldn’t fully explain it. When our eyes go black, it’s our demons stepping forward, but we’re still in complete control of them. While I can’t say for sure it’s happened to other, normal people, I’ve got memories of my uncle with black eyes when he would beat me. I just don’t know if it was real or not. Also, the guy who attacked me on the sidewalk when I was out with Misha. I’m guessing that once someone gives in completely to their demon, their eyes are also capable of going black. They’re just no longer in control. The demon is,” I said.
“You needed to know we could do this before you see it happen on someone else. I have a feeling that seeing someone else’s eyes turn black is going to bring our demons forward, whether we want them to or not. You need to know that we’re in control when it happens,” Adrik said.
“Not because we think you’ll try to break us. Just so we didn’t freak you out. We’ve been told that now that you know your gift, we’re going to see increased aggression from the demons that are controlling people,” Ivan said.
“They’re going to know what I can do?” Stephen asked.
“We think so, but we’re not sure yet. They’re going to be scared of you, but if they all act the way Armando did, they’re likely going to be aggressive,” I said.
Stephen was quiet for a moment. He sighed, then looked up at me, a very small grin on his face. “Is it wrong that I’m looking forward to them being scared of me?”
“Not at all, Yoden,” I said, laughing.
“It’s about time you felt it from the other side,” Ivan said.
“So, how does Viktor’s gift work? Does he know about it yet?” Stephen asked.
Adrik and I exchanged a glance. I looked to Ivan, then to Stephen. With a sigh, I said, “He doesn’t know yet. We’re not totally sure of how it works, but I know why he’s been so resistant to it. It’s going to be tough for him to handle.”
“What do you mean? It seems like it would be a good thing, right?” Stephen asked, more confused than ever.
“It is a good thing. It’s going to be difficult for him once he learns how he’s able to do it. If his gift works the way I think it will, he needs to have help to make it happen as quickly as we will need it to happen,” I said.
“The same way I used your help and Misha uses you? Why would he have a problem with that?” he asked.
“Not the same way. I can’t help him with what he’s going to do. He needs even more of a power boost than I can give him. He needs to have angelic help.”
Ivan was starting to put the pieces together in his head. “His wife,” he said.
I smiled at Ivan. “That’s exactly what I said, but it’s not her. She’s already started her next life.” I paused to see if Ivan would figure it out, but it was Stephen who did.
“His child,” Stephen said.