Page 92 of Rise of the Queen
Ivan chuckled, but looked at me curiously. “Yours change when you see ours change, but did you feel anything different when it happened?”
“What do you mean?”
“Did it give you relief from the overwhelming sadness you’ve been carrying around?” he asked.
“Um, I don’t exactly remember. I might have. I get moments of relief, but they’re just moments right now. I don’t remember ever feeling this way before,” I said. “And I don’t know how to get rid of it. Nothing I’ve tried has worked for very long.”
Ivan was always good for solutions. He thought for a minute, then looked to Andrei. “You haven’t seen anything weird around her, have you?”
“No, but she’s dimmer than she normally is,” he said.
I set about starting to make dinner as they discussed possible solutions to our latest unexplainable problem. The fact that Viktor kept himself constantly occupied for so many years was starting to make more sense. Distractions definitely helped, but it was only a temporary solution.
Adrik and Stephen eventually came upstairs, along with Vitaliy and Aleksei. We were all waiting on Viktor to come back with his brother. When they finally walked in, both of them looked like they’d had the world’s toughest conversation on the way back from the airport.
Even though things were awkward with Viktor, I was still relieved to see him and greeted him like normal. “Papa Bear!” I said as I went to hug his neck. His brother was somewhat surprised when Viktor wrapped his giant arms around me and picked me up like normal.
“Sestrichka, this is Ilya,” Viktor said, motioning to his younger brother.
He smiled warmly at me, finally putting it together. “You must be Sephie,” he said, extending his hand to me. “I’ve heard quite a bit about you.”
“If it was good, then he was just being modest. If it was bad, then he was lying,” I said, taking his hand. As soon as my palm came into contact with his, much like with Stephen, Iwas hit with very specific memories from Ilya all at once. These memories revolved around a woman. I could see the evolution of their relationship. I could also see the subtle manipulations that later turned into all-out mental abuse, along with the heartbreak and trauma during the breakup. To say she did a number on him was an understatement. But more than that, I could feel he was struggling against his own darkness. And he was losing. I suddenly felt like someone had thrown me into a wall and I was gasping for air.
I must’ve done something weird, or zoned out, because I suddenly had Adrik and Ivan beside me. I’d put my contacts in before he got there, hoping to not completely scare the poor kid, so I knew it wasn’t that. I could feel Andrei, Misha, and Stephen on guard behind me, as well.
Ilya took a step back from me, his eyes the size of saucers, and Viktor stepped in front of him, like he was protecting his little brother from us.
“Viktor, calm down. I can explain what just happened to her and why they reacted that way,” Andrei said, quickly rushing to my side as well.
I was having a hard time focusing, between the overwhelming sadness from Viktor and now the darkness from Ilya. It felt a little like I was drowning. I reached for whoever was beside me and felt Adrik’s arm go around my waist and Ivan’s hand catch mine.
“You’re freezing, Sephie,”Adrik thought.
“I can’t … I’m … anger,”was all I could manage to get out. My body was starting to shake, but I think this time it was legitimate shivering instead of my weird response to trauma. I was getting colder by the second.
“Ivan, she needs our anger,”I heard Adrik say in my head. As soon as he said that, I could feel them both sending me their anger. They were both holding back. It wasn’t enough.
“More. All of it,”I told them.
I got hit with a wave of fire. It was so intense that it almost took my breath away, but it helped clear my mind and it pushed the darkness completely back. I could feel my own body again. I realized Adrik was basically holding me up. I stood up on my own, looking between him and Ivan.
“Better,”I said.
While Andrei had told Viktor he could explain, he was distracted by feeling Ivan’s and Adrik’s anger through me. He was somewhat stunned into silence. Everyone knew something was happening, they just didn’t know what yet.
“Somebody better explain something in the next thirty seconds or we’re out of here,” Viktor said, his deep voice booming. I’d never heard Viktor angry, but he was angry right now. It almost surprised me to hear the threatening edge to his voice.
“She got hit with all your brother’s pain and darkness that he’s been carrying around since his breakup when she shook his hand. She’s also been carrying around your years of sadness that you never dealt with all weekend long. It was too much for her. When Boss and Ivan felt her start to falter, they got protective,” Andrei said. He paused for a moment, looking at Ilya, then back to Viktor. “You know there’s more to it, but I don’t know how detailed you want me to get right now.”
“He knows enough. You can speak freely,” Viktor said. Anger was still prevalent in his tone.
“Her demon tried to save her when she got hit with Ilya’s darkness. She’s just wearing her contacts, so you couldn’t see her eyes go black. Any time her demon steps forward, it makestheirs do the same. Oh, by the way, they can do it too,” Andrei said sharply. It was almost like Andrei was angry that Viktor was angry.
Viktor cursed under his breath. “When were you going to tell me that you can do that now too?” he asked, looking between Ivan and Adrik. He was clearly frustrated with both of them.
“Check your tone, Viktor. We just found out this weekend. You were already dealing with enough without one more thing on top of it,” Andrei said. When Viktor first spoke, Misha and Stephen had quietly stepped behind me. Andrei put himself in between Viktor and me as they were talking.
I squeezed Ivan’s hand, letting it go so I could put my hand on Andrei’s back. I didn’t have to say anything, he just moved enough to the side so that I could see Viktor, who was still trying to get a handle on everything and was still more angry than anything. I glanced past him at Ilya, who was simply a rollercoaster of emotion.