Page 98 of Rise of the Queen
Stephen walked out of Adrik’s office with his last meeting of the day just as we were walking up. He said quietly, in Russian, “I’ll be right back. Don’t start without me.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” I answered, giving him a wink while still on Andrei’s back.
Adrik was smiling when he saw me still hitching a ride on Andrei. “How did it go?” he asked. He visibly relaxed when he saw me smile at him.
“I almost had to karate chop her hands away to keep her from touching Ilya, but she managed to control herself,” Misha said, pretending to slice through the air. Adrik looked at me,his eyebrow raised, like he was deciding whether to be angry or amused. I hopped down from Andrei’s back and went to him.
“What? He’s still struggling when he has to talk about everything. I got the urge to comfort him,” I said. Adrik decided on angry, as his eyes switched to black. “I didn’t do it!” I said emphatically, as I wrapped my arms around his waist, unable to keep from laughing at his overprotective side.
Stephen walked back in a few moments later. He stopped briefly when he saw Adrik’s eyes, looking back to the office that was still full of people. He didn’t say a word, he just closed the door behind him. When he turned back to face us, he said, “Villagers. I’m still a little jumpy about villagers.”
“We’ve confiscated the pitchforks. This is a pitchfork free zone. We should be fine, Yoden,” I said, smiling at him. My eyes switched to green, which made Adrik’s eyes go back to normal. Ivan’s too. He didn’t even know why his were changing, they were just there for support.
“I take it Viktor is still sleeping?” Adrik asked.
“Yeah, he’s been out this whole time. Ilya thought he might need longer than he did even,” Andrei said.
“And you said Ilya is still struggling?” Adrik asked, pulling me with him to one of the couches.
“Only when he talks about it, I think. He looks much better overall,” I said.
“Sephie was right, though, when she said it would’ve killed him if Viktor hadn’t fixed him. He told us he came here to say goodbye to Viktor,” Misha said. We heard Stephen curse under his breath.
This time, I felt the darkness creeping back in before I felt Adrik and Ivan send me their anger. It still surprised the Wonder Twins and Stephen, who all looked at me when they felt it. I did get some enjoyment out of the looks on their faces asthey tried to understand how I could operate with those levels of anger.
“See? Now I’m glad I closed the door. Could you imagine needing a signature for your expense report and walking in onthat?” Stephen said pointing to me, Adrik, and Ivan. I giggled as I pulled Adrik’s arms around me tighter.
Adrik looked to Ivan, “Did that happen when you were with Ilya?”
“It started, but my idea worked. She didn’t feel anything from him. I cut her off from the Wonder Twins too though. And apparently, I also cut her hearing off, but now she can listen through my head, which seemed perfectly normal to me at the time, but now sounds weird to say out loud,” Ivan said.
“Normal is relative anyway, Squish,” I said, grinning at him.
“It happened when Ilya told Sephie she was right and that he came to say goodbye. Same as just now,” Andrei said.
“That must be how the demons are getting in. It wears you down so much that you feel completely hopeless,” Stephen said.
“I think you might be right, Yoden. I do think he’s much better now, but I also think he’s still at risk of having it come back. Can you see if he shakes it off for good, Misha?” I asked.
He got his faraway look in his eye, like he was checking possible outcomes. He looked back to me, saying, “He looks fine eventually. I think it’ll just take time.”
“I think he needs to hear what you and Bubba said to him about a million more times too,” I said. I looked between the two of them, grinning. “It must be such a burden to be so incredibly handsome and so wise at the same time.”
“I mean, some days, yes. Most days, no,” Andrei said, cutting his eyes over at me.
I could feel Adrik’s chest vibrate as he laughed quietly. He looked back at Ivan, asking, “Did you mean to cut her off from those two or it just happened that way?”
“It’s always been that way. You’re the only one he’s never cut me off from,” I said. “But I think he might be able to adjust it next time. We should go check on him again tomorrow. We can experiment.” Ivan’s devious grin spread across his face as he agreed.
The next day was a weekend day, so all of us went to check on Ilya and Viktor. Adrik wanted to see for himself how well Ivan’s bubble worked. “I guess I’ll see if that poor kid really does have nerves of steel now or if our eyes just didn’t change yesterday,” I said as we walked to Viktor’s door.
Ilya was happy to see us all again. He was even happier to see the food I brought him. “Vitya won’t shut up about your cooking. It’s a good thing our mother isn’t here. She’d be jealous,” he said, his warm smile on his face.
“He does look better than the last time we saw him,”Adrik thought as he watched Ilya.
“I’m assuming Viktor is still dead to the world?” I asked.
“He woke up for a few minutes last night. He looked better, but he went right back to sleep and hasn’t woken up since,” he said.