Page 44 of Dirty Dancer
She lifted her shoulders in a suggestion of a shrug. “Maybe it is. But then—it wouldn’t be taking a risk, if it wasn’t?”
“Boo-Boo?” I frowned down at her. “Tell me something?”
“Anything. What do you want to know?”
“The stunts, the new routines, the dancing with fire…” I wasn’t sure my heart was really ready for that to become a regular reality, like ever. “Now buying this block… Why? Why now? Why push so hard on so many different things?”
I wanted to understand.
“Is there something else wrong?” I got a little crazy when I was using, but I didn’t think that was an issue here. She didn’t have the problems with drugs I had. Though she’d admitted to using at one point, not in a long time and I didn’t think her life meant she needed to run from anything.
What the fuck had I missed?
Boo-Boo turned toward me, and pressed a hand to my chest. The nearness used to make sweat prickle along the back of my neck. It still made my heart race, but not from fear. I liked the way she felt against me. The softness and the curves. I liked even more that she would lean on me like I could take care of her and wasn’t the one who needed fixing.
“Freddie.” There was just a way about how she said my name. “You’ve been pushing yourself to step outside of your comfort zone. You are taking new risks with me every single day. Kisses… which I really like by the way—” the swiftness of her smile and the warmth blossoming in her eyes sent a wave of raw affection through me. “—the dancing, the cuddling, even letting me rub your back a couple of days ago.”
My back had been sore from something, hell I didn’t even remember why and she’d scooted over on the sofa to sit right behind me. I was damn near a puddle when I realized she’d started relieving the knots in my spine and slid past every single defense I had.
The moment that occurred to me though, I’d tensed and she’d backed off. No comments or complaints. She would have moved away, but then I’d leaned against her leg and she’d stayed there for the rest of the movie.
“You’re taking risks because I am?” Wonder unfurled in me. “You don’t have to do that… Boo-Boo you took all the risks when you told me what happened to you. When you asked the guys to push you, you were amazing… I want to bemorelike you.”
A shyness crept into her eyes as she ducked her chin. It was a shyness I’d never seen before. “And I want to be more like you.”
All too soon, our break was over, and we were back on the road. Unlike the first weeks of the tour, this relaunch seemed to pulse with its own energy. The other members of the company had shown up for the introduction of new material. Their enthusiasm had been immediate and right in the forefront for our first round of rehearsals.
The fire dance was still out—for now— I wanted more time to work on it and practice. Maybe for something special near the end of the tour. Rome and I had worked out a full set that he could join me on right in the middle of the show, then he would retreat and come back out for the grand finale.
While one of our dances had originally been choreographed with Eric in mind, we’d amended it until the only person I thought of on that stage with mewasRome. The Vandals had shown up for debut night for the new tour. All of them, and Milo too. Theo had even been out there in the audience.
Theo seemed to be the only one who really was captivated by all the stage lights and sounds. More because he couldn’t fathom this life. Well, that and probably all the boobs on display when he’d come backstage after the show. Mickey and Milo kept him moving though.
The next ten weeks passed in a blur of activity, including two trips home. One to sign off on the paperwork for the block purchases and renovations. A second to let Vaughn talk to the contractors about what he wanted in his shop.
The fact he was ready to open a studio again was everything. Everyone healed differently and at different rates. Still, the best part of our family and my guys, we were all committed to supporting each other.
It was spring again in Braxton Harbor, the cold wintry weather gave way to the cold, rainy spring. I loved it. My birthday had been a wonderful celebration with all my guys. Even Freddie pushed himself. We discovered new layers of intimacy, though he hadn’t been able to get as far as he’d wanted.
Still, further than we’d managed before and every inch he stole back for himself was awin. The weather had been raining on and off, so I took the car to the dance school rather than walk. I had hired two new instructors and they would be starting over the next two weeks.
We’d been discussing another tour but I didn’t want to leave my kids without their classes. In addition to background checks and vetting, Jasper had the rats follow the teachers for weeks in their normal lives to make sure they weren’t hiding anything.
Honestly, if it were about anything else, I might think it was overkill. In this case, however, it was about my dance kids and I didn’t want anything to touch them. The school was a safe space for them and I intended to make sure it stayed that way.
Freddie leaned against the front door of the school waiting for me when I pulled in. He had his hair pulled back into a leather tie. The look was equal parts casual and fierce. He straightened as I climbed out of the car.
“Hey there, good looking,” he said with a slow smile. “Are you busy?”
“I could be,” I said, bumping the door closed with my hip before locking it. “But I have to warn you that I have a boyfriend or two. They don’t always like when guys try to pick me up.”
“One or two?” He scoffed. “I can handle one or two.”