Page 51 of Dirty Dancer
A snort of laughter escaped me. It was absolutely ridiculous and perfect. I would have to figure out who did it later. Maybe. Then again, maybe I could just enjoy the surprise. I had a few for the guys I’d been secreting away.
I hurried into the shower, the last thing I wanted to do was be late because I was just swooning over all the decorations. Then again, it was hard not to. The guys had gone all out and I loved it so much.
With that in mind though, I got the shower going, stripped and jumped in. If I lit a fire under my ass, I could get my hair washed and blown dry before Freddie got here. I’d just ducked my hair under the water to rinse the shampoo when there was a knock on the door.
“Hey, Boo-Boo,” Freddie said as the door opened. “You decent?”
“Nope,” I told him cheerfully. “Hot, wet, and a little soapy at the moment.”
He chuckled. “I thought I’d heard you come in.”
Crap! “I didn’t realize you were already back, didn’t you have tests today?”
“Yep, finals were this morning. Knocked them all out and came back early.” The door closed but he didn’t retreat and that was fine. “Not going to lie, I’m glad they are done.”
“Yeah?” I reached for the conditioner. “Do you feel good about them?” His first semester had been tough. He’d wanted to give up more than once, but the summer had been much better. Last time we’d talked about it, he’d liked the classes for the fall semester much more.
“Actually… I do.” A moment later the curtain slid back and a very naked Freddie eyed me. “Mind if I join you?”
Conditioner ran into my eyes as I stared at him. The sting had me turning into the water to rinse them and helped stop me from staring. “Not at all.” Then because every daring moment should be applauded, I added, “This is new.”
“I was standing out there thinking about doing it, imagining it…” The heat of his chest brushed against my back. The presence of him was just there, not quite touching but unmistakable. “I wanted to be able to just get naked and slide in here like it was normal as hell.”
“So you did it.” I let out a happy little sigh of satisfaction. “You just got naked and joined me.”
“Yeah.” A measure of disbelief rippled through his voice. Then his hands came to rest on my hips. “What do you say to a change of plans for tonight?”
His naked body against mine had me thinking about a lot of things and none of them had anything do with our original plans. Honestly, I wasn’t even sure what those plans were. I tilted my head so I could look up at him.
“What did you have in mind?”
When he slid his arm around my middle and tugged me me to him, I wanted to close my eyes. Freddie and I had experimented a lot over the past few months.
Blowjobs had taken a while, and he still preferred the dark for them, and I was okay with that. I’d be okay with anything that gave him pleasure.
“I was thinking,” he said, nuzzling a kiss to my ear. The weight of his erection was against the seam of my ass and his hand spread over my abdomen. The act was asking me to lean on him, so I did. “I was thinking I want you to push me tonight.”
“Freddie…” We had pushed it a couple of times in the past six months. The last time hadn’t gone well at all. I didn’t want him tearing himself up about it. Not again.
“I know,” he said, resting his chin on my shoulder as he began to rub slow circles with his palm. The water left us both slick, but he was drifting down toward my cunt and then away again. It was a delicious tease, and a relaxed one. “I know what happened last time. I think I know what happened then, and I know how to face it now—or at least…”
He released such a harsh breath that I turned so I could meet his gaze. This close, it scraped my nipples against his chest. The scars on his skin were visible. Some from fights. Some from cutting. Others so old, he couldn’t remember when he’d gotten them.
The scars were another reason he didn’t want the lights on when I touched his cock or when I swallowed him. He didn’t want me to see. “You don’t have to do this,” I told him. “We have all the time in the world.”
“But Boo-Boo, I wantmore. I want to be able to do more with you. We’ve been so close so many times and I don’t freak out… last time, it was because I hadn’t shown you the scars.”
We hadn’t turned off the lights. It just hadn’t occurred to me. We’d been playing and pushing, then his shirt had come off. He’d kissed me and when I ran my hands over his back, he’d frozen.
It had taken a moment for the rigidity to register, but it was too long. Too long before I’d pulled my hands away…
Freddie cupped my face in his wet palms. “Boo-Boo, it wasn’t you. I know I rabbited. Not my proudest moment.”
“I just never want to be what hurts you.” It had been hours before he’d come back. The only thing that had kept me from going after him was Jasper’s message that he’d found him.
“You weren’t,” Freddie said, searching my eyes. “I promise you, it was definitely me. Not you. I panicked…” The words stuttered for a moment, like his breath coming out in little hard pants.
He gripped one of my hands and pressed it to his chest, just over his heart.