Page 33 of Willow in the Wind
Chapter Twelve
August 2024
It was the morning of the book launch. Stella was cross-legged at the kitchen table, shivering with nerves as Chloe refilled her mug of coffee. Chloe just got the approval to drink coffee again, and Stella watched as she spooned sugar into it until it practically crystallized. Stella wanted to have a conversation to get her mind off the day ahead, but all Stella could think of was,Chloe, did you have time to clean the bathroom yet?OrChloe, did you remember to take that paper to school?And she didn’t want to nag, not today, so she kept quiet.
“You’re going to be great, Mom,” Chloe said as she sat down.
“I just can’t believe we sold that many tickets,” Stella said. “I’ve never spoken in front of more than five people in a business meeting.”
Suddenly, Stella’s phone buzzed with a video call from Logan. Stella answered it and winced at the tiny video image of herself in the corner. She looked tired. She needed makeup and more coffee.
Logan looked tired, too. And the dorm room behind him looked like a dog had torn through it in a frenzy. But his smile was serene, and he wished her a happy book launch. “You’re going to kill it,” he said.
“Thank you for calling,” Stella said. “It means so much.”
“Wish I could be there, Momsy,” Logan said. It was a new nickname that Stella didn’t particularly like. More than that, it sounded as though Logan’s voice had gotten even deeper since they’d dropped him off at college two weeks ago. How was that possible?
Stella asked her son several more questions about his upcoming week of classes and the friends he’d already made. Logan’s short answers made Stella crave more. But he needed his privacy, she supposed. He had his own life now.
“Love you, honey,” Stella said when it was time.
“Love you, too,” Logan said.
They hung up.
Matt came by at eight fifteen with donuts and flowers. Stella hugged him tightly and led him into the kitchen. It would not be bizarre to let Matt into the house they’d bought together.
Matt had been extra attentive ever since Bruce left for Paris. It never felt romantic. But it felt like a bit more than a friendship, too. Textured with love.
Chloe went upstairs to shower after eating a donut, leaving her parents alone. A comfortable silence fell between them. Stella sighed and cleaned her hands with a napkin.
“It’s the big day!” Matt enthused.
“It’s hard to believe,” Stella offered. “I’m dying of nerves.”
“You don’t look it,” Matt assured her.
Stella tilted her head. She hadn’t yet asked Matt if he’d readThe Athens Affair.She wasn’t sure she wanted his feedback.
She was frightened that he would say,I always knew you were in love with someone else during our marriage. That’s why we had to get divorced.
She was frightened that it was really true.
But Matt didn’t mention whether he’d read it or not. Maybe that meant he didn’t care.
“I wish the book launch was this morning,” Stella joked. “I can’t believe I have to be nervous till five o’clock.”
Matt chuckled. “What are your plans today?”
“Nothing,” she admitted. “I should have made arrangements.”
“Let’s hang out as a family!” Matt suggested. “If Chloe will deign to hang out with us.”
Stella smiled. “Mandy is welcome, too.”
“She’s coming later,” Matt said. “But she’s working till four.”
To Matt’s and Stella’s surprise, Chloe agreed to hang out until the book launch. They went for a long walk on the beach, swam in the pool, made real margaritas for the adults and fake margaritas for Chloe, and put together multilayered sandwiches that packed plenty of flavor. Sometimes, throughout the day, Stella allowed herself to forget what was headed for her—the book launch! She even allowed herself to forget about the divorce and about Bruce leaving for Paris.