Page 39 of Forever Player
“I’ll catch you later.” He winks with a sleazy grin.
He walks away.
“You did not just get picked up by another man when you’re with me,” I grumble as the hostess finally leads us to the booth we will be sitting at. She places some menus on the table and we thank her. She takes off with a smile.
“We aren’t together,” Willow reminds me.
“Tonight, you’re here with me,” I tell her.
“I’m liking this domineering side of you, Brett,” she replies flirtatiously.
“Willow, we both know you like my domineering side,” I retort, looking into her eyes. She blushes knowing damn well she liked how I took over in bed when we were together.
She clears her throat. “We came out tonight to discuss co-parenting.”
“Hell no, we came out tonight to have fun. Now, what would you like to drink because I plan on getting you on that dance floor.”
A waitress comes by, just in the nick of time.
“I’ll have a double whiskey.”
“I’ll have the same,” Willow orders.
I cock my brow.
“I haven’t had a drink since that night, Brett. I deserve this,” she says.
The waitress leaves and returns a couple of minutes later.
She places the double shots in front of us.
I lift mine. “To our future.”
Willow does a double take when I say that, but she clinks her glass with mine and we both drink them down.
“Are we going to dance?” I ask. We’ve already eaten dinner.
“After I take another shot, sure,” she replies.
I call over the waitress and Willow orders another double so I do the same, but this is where I cut myself off.
We take the shots. My blood is pumping warm in my system.
“Now we dance,” I say.
“Do you even know how to dance like this?” She laughs.
“No,” I deadpan. “But I’m a quick study.”
“I bet you are, but I think we should sit this one out.”
There is some kind of country swing dancing going on and I am not one to shy away from a challenge.
“Come on, Willow,” I urge, taking her hand.
“This is a bad idea.”
“I disagree,” I reply.