Page 49 of Forever Player
“Look, Lev, I’ve changed, and I didn’t change because of Maylee. I changed since I met Willow. I know how I was in the past, and I can’t take it back, but I’ve never felt this way before. I think Willow and I can be something great. I get that all of you had a bad example growing up. So did I, but my teammates started getting hitched one by one. Hell, my best friend fell for my sister, and I don’t want to get into details, but I’ve seen what love can do. I was the biggest critic, trust me.” I laugh maniacally.
His demeanor shifts. His hands move away from his waist. He kicks at some hay on the ground. “You seem like a good guy but only time will tell.”
“I get what it’s like not to trust. I have patience and if I need to, I’ll make time to prove to Willow how I feel, but I don’t owe you anything. I’m out here working because it’s not my style to freeload but don’t mistake this for weakness. I’m a determined man and I want Willow, Maylee, and me to be a family.” With those closing words, I go back to raking the shit into a pile.
Lev stands there for about ten seconds before he turns and walks away, but his words resonate with me. If he knows about my bad choices, then Willow does too. I don’t want it to be a barrier between us, but I also can’t take back my past. I can only show her I’m here for the long run.
I’m in the kitchen making myself a coffee while Maylee sits happily in her swing. My phone pings with a message from Lev.
Lev:Thought you’d want to read this.
Attached is a link to an article about Brett.
Has Brett Noble Sewn Too Many Oats?
Rangers defensive player, Brett Noble, was caught in a crossfire of baby daddy goodness in Nashville. Noble was seen charging across the ice during intermission. He went straight for a brunette sitting beside retired player, Jacob Heaton. Noble was seen to have lost his cool. Fans quickly gathered around and began taping the encounter, which went viral on many social media platforms. The woman accused Brett Noble of disowning her after she told him she was pregnant with her baby. In the video Noble seems confused and visibly distraught by the news. The woman who accused him then fainted and Noble whisked her off to the tunnel in real fairy-tale fashion. There have been rumors about who this mystery woman is and whether Brett Noble is really her baby daddy. One anonymous source has stated that she is the sister of Jacob Heaton. Heaton was forced to retire after a career-ending injury. Now the question remains, will hockey’s bad boy, Brett Noble, finally give up his playboy ways? Only time will tell.
My stomach turns in a bad way as I click on another article. This one is highlighting Brett’s flavors of the week, and there are many flavors. He’s been with famous models and actresses.
“Whatcha doing there?” Mom asks, coming up to the coffee machine.
I jump and drop my phone on the floor, face up.
She looks down at it and back up at me.
“A man who looks like that is trouble,” she says, reinforcing all my fears.
“He wants me to move with him to New York. I could get my old job back,” I say to Mom.
“Aren’t you comfortable here on the farm?” Mom shoots back. “You have everything you need here.”
“I loved my job. I am going crazy here. How long can I stay cooped up in this house? Everyday looks the same. Over and over,” I complain. I love being a mom, but this is not how I saw my life panning out. I want my life back in New York.
“Do you want to depend on that man? Because if you move in with him you will be financially dependent. What if it doesn’t work out? You’ll be stuck. And what if he cheats? Then you’ll be stuck and feel like shit,” Mom says, always the voice of reason.
My head is spinning. Brett has shown me a different side to himself. He’s caring, nurturing, loving. He’s even been dependable and responsible these last few days, but what do I know? It’s only been days.
“Don’t tell me you’re considering leaving with him,” Mom accuses, her voice filled with equal amounts of shock and judgement.
I lift my left shoulder. “I miss my life in New York. There is a day care at the gym I can put Maylee in while I am working. It would be good for me to get back on a routine.”
“Is that why you had him in your bed last night?” Mom asks, cocking her right brow.
My eyes widen. “Glad to see you think so highly of me. I felt bad he was sleeping on that hard floor. Nothing happened.” I bring my mug to my lips and take a sip as Mom pours sugar in her coffee.
“Ah huh,” she answers like she knows better. “Just like nothing happened at the Rustic Bull. I heard y’all made quite the exit.”
“That was nothing. Brett has made it clear he wants me and I have made it clear that I have boundaries. I’m not falling for a player, Mom, you don’t need to worry.”
Mom watches me like she doesn’t believe the lies leaving my lips, and I can’t say I blame her because I have feelings for Brett. Feelings I can barely contain, which was clear yesterday after I spontaneously kissed him in public. What a fool I was to do that. After reading these articles, it just solidifies that Brett’s attention span here in Sugar Meadow will run its course and Mom is right. As good as New York sounds, I can’t be in a place where I am dependent on him.
I reply to my brother.
Me:Thanks for the heads-up.