Page 76 of Forever Player
Patty agrees.
After the warm welcome, we sit around the table and order breakfast.
“It is so damn good to see you,” Skylar says.
“You too,” I tell her.
“So how does it feel to be back in the city?” she asks.
“It feels amazing. I’m starting to work tomorrow. It feels good to have my life go back to some kind of normal,” I admit to my friends.
“And how are you and Brett?” Patty asks, waggling her brows.
“We are. . .complicated?” I say hesitantly.
“Tell me you slept with that man,” Eden says, waving a hand in her face.
“Well, obviously, we have a baby,” I deadpan, rolling my eyes.
“You know what I mean,” she says, shoving my shoulder.
“There is definitely an attraction between us,” I admit.
“Did he sleep in your bed in Sugar Meadow?” Sky asks.
“Yes, but it was just sleep,” I reinforce.
The waitress comes by, and we all order food. I order one of the fruit and granola yogurt bowls and a cup of tea.
“Dude, that man is hot. You need to tap that,” Eden urges.
I blow out a breath. “It’s not like I don’t want to. But we are complicated. We have a baby. We can’t rock the boat for her sake. What if we don’t get along after?”
I look to my friends like they have all the answers. Most of them are in relationships with players from Brett’s team.
“From my experience, rocking the boat leads to getting along better, if you know what I mean,” Ellie chimes in, giggling. I give her a look that says I am being serious. “Fine. Look I get that you’re scared. Do you have feelings for him?”
“I do. He’s been so good to me and Maylee.”
“And does he have feelings for you?” Ellie asks.
“I know I shouldn’t be thrown off by this, but Brett has been very open with me about everything he is feeling. It’s been refreshing not to have to wonder what’s on his mind, but on the other hand it’s also overwhelming too. He has a very busy past,” I say as the waitress sets a tea in front of me.
“So, Evan wasn’t a saint either,” Patty says.
“Connor wasn’t exactly a manwhore, but he wasn’t a saint either,” Ellie adds. “But you can’t blame the guy for choices he made before meeting you. Every player hangs up their skates, or whatever, when the right girl comes along.”
“That’s a terrible analogy,” I joke.
She shrugs. “I didn’t have something better.”
“Do you guys read the articles that are written about the team? It’s crazy,” I say. “Or what about the article about me showing up to the arena and blindsiding Brett?” I look around to my friends. Each one has a different version of a sheepish expression on their face.
“It wasn’t so bad.” Ellie tries to make me feel better.
“We don’t need to sugarcoat. I showed up and told him in public that I had his baby. I was supposed to go up to him after the game and tell him quietly by the locker rooms, but somehow Brett spotted me and now the whole world knows our business,” I lament.
“Because Brett charged at you like a jealous boyfriend when he saw you with Jacob,” Eden clarifies. “That should tell you something. The man has the hots for you.”