Page 29 of Island Holiday
“Don’t argue with the driver,” he said, with a little less heat in his voice. “You matter, Sonya. Most people ignore things, let others take action or make changes. You go in and do something about it.”
In this instance, her actions could’ve caused more problems. An uncomfortable pinch caught her breath. “How are you so sure that’s a good thing?” And why did his opinion mean so much to her after such a short acquaintance?
“You were a victim once, but you took steps and changed things. You made decisions that put you in a position to help. From my research and what you’ve said, you never had the easy road and you didn’t let that stop you. You made your life better. And here you are, ready to dive in and do whatever is necessary to help others.”
“To be fair, helping you helps me.”
“Stop it. Accept the compliment and the admiration.”
Admiration. She couldn’t deny the sweet ego boost his words gave her. “All right.”
It helped to see the airport coming into view. He’d found the back way without getting lost in the warren of her old neighborhood after all.
He remained on high alert, as if he expected whoever was tailing them to pop out of the shadows near the hangar, but they managed to get on the chartered plane without any further incident.
While the pilots prepped for take-off, the two of them called the office to give an update. Swann took the call, explaining that Gamble was out of the office for the holiday.
“You’re safe?” It was Swann’s first question after Connor rattled off their status.
“We are,” Sonya replied immediately. Connor was still stiff, jaw locked. “We’ll be happier once we’re in the air,” she admitted. Connor nodded in agreement, although Swann couldn’t see the gesture.
“Good. We’re coordinating with the Charlotte PD. Excellent find, Sonya.”
“Team effort,” she replied. It was scary to think how long it might’ve taken her to attempt a physical search without Connor’s partnership. “Has anyone found any signs of exchanges in other rentals?”
“Not yet,” Swann admitted. “We’re creating a list and we’ll work it thoroughly.”
Because Gamble, Swann, and the security agency they managed never did anything halfway. She appreciated that more than she could express right now. “Thank you.”
“Any status update on the three women?” Connor asked.
“Afraid not. By the time we had someone in the area, they were gone. The gym didn’t have any contact information beyond a single phone number. Currently, calls are unanswered, texts are unread, and the voicemail box isn’t set up.”
Connor swore under his breath, a perfect echo of her feelings.
“I’ll track down Zimmer as soon as possible,” Sonya volunteered. “Maybe his credit card will lead us to wherever they are.”
“We’re monitoring all public transit,” Swann assured them. “Harder to pinpoint if they’re using private transportation, but we won’t give up.”
“Focus the search on Brookwell Island and expand as needed,” Sonya suggested. “Zimmer wasn’t visiting solely as a tourist.” She made a mental note to investigate the private boat tours and fishing charter companies operating out of Brookwell.
“Good idea,” Swann agreed. “Jess confirmed that Zimmer left the B&B. I’ve asked her to go back and search the room for any similar stashes.”
“I’ll send an update as soon as possible,” Sonya promised.
“Thank you both for your dedication,” Swann said. “I’m sure this isn’t the holiday season either of you anticipated.”
Sonya definitely hadn’t anticipated Connor or any of the events that followed—good and bad. She’d planned on a relatively quiet Christmas with her chosen sisters and family. Getting partnered with Connor wasn’t only an advantage for the missing young women. His presence had become an important development for her, both personally and professionally. She wasn’t great at reading people, but she could see he needed help breaking the stress cycle.
“Nothing wrong with a little adventure with co-workers,” she said, trying to bring that light back into Connor’s eyes. His body was still practically vibrating after the chase and being shot at. “We’re safe, thanks to Connor’s quick thinking. And soon we’ll be back tracking Zimmer and those women. We are making progress.” She gave him a nudge.
“She’s right,” Connor agreed. “Adventures and traditions both keep the holidays interesting.” His mouth twitched when he looked at her. “And progress.”
“It’s a short flight, but try and get some rest,” Swann suggested. “Don’t worry about the car. I’ve got someone on the way. You two can get back to it once you reach the hotel. Whatever you need from our end, just ask.”
“Thank you,” Sonya said. Connor echoed the gratitude a beat later.