Page 45 of Island Holiday
“So, we have a plan?”
“Yes, we do,” she agreed.
He stopped and kissed her once more. Couldn’t help himself. This would be a Christmas they would both remember forever.
A Christmas they could celebrate right now and, hopefully, years from now they would tell their kids about their holiday that brought them together.
Chapter 17
On Christmas morning, Sonyawalked out of the bedroom, already counting miracles. First was the lovely, complete peace that washed over her. A wonderful contrast to the solitude she’d anticipated a couple weeks ago.
Second, were the sweet pictures Jess had forwarded from the girls they’d rescued. Each of them safely reunited with their families. The notes of gratitude that accompanied those smiling faces had warmed her heart. She couldn’t wait to share the updates with Connor.
He was miracle number three, sharing this incredible hotel suite with her for at least the next few days.
Connor had been surprised she had chosen the Inn on Brookwell. But she really wanted a few days with him to be private. To stay in a cocoon, just the two of them for as long as possible.
Staying at an Ellington property felt too much like going home and she wasn’t quite ready to introduce him to the family. Of course, he had his own connections to the people who matteredmost to her. He knew Hannah from work and Bruce Ellington from various visits and cases as well.
Being with him under those watchful eyes, no matter how caring, would be awkward. She spent enough of her life feeling out of step. The fewer distractions the better in her mind.
Besides, she wasn’t into bringing home someone who might well be temporary. Why get anyone’s hopes up? Especially hers. This was too new. Too fast. It was possible the excitement would fade and this holiday fling would fizzle before New Years Day.
The thought soured her stomach and she pushed it aside.
Possible wasn’t a foregone conclusion. She and Connor had proved that time and again with their work.
Mainly, she didn’t want to put any extra pressure on him or this moment. The interlude was marvelous and precious to her. She wanted this holiday to be special just for the two of them. They sure as hell had earned the break.
Until today, she hadn’t known peace and anticipation could co-exist inside her.
She happily blamed it on the Christmas tree in the corner. And on Connor, who had made that happen. His thoughtfulness was incomparable. When the decorations had been delivered to the Inn, he’d declared a tree-trimming party complete with holiday music, cookies, and hot chocolate from room service. The two of them had no problem providing the stories, laughter, kisses, and a sexy afterparty that went on for hours.
Whatever happened next, this would be her favorite Christmas for years to come. Hannah and Harper—who’d redefined the holidays for her—wouldn’t even fuss over such a claim. Not once they heard the whole story.
In the corner, the tree was sparkling. They’d left the lights on all night, according to Connor’s childhood tradition. The warm, cozy mood was enhanced by the rich aromas of fresh pastries and hot coffee in the air.
“Merry Christmas.” Connor stood in the kitchenette, a big smile on his face as he watched her.
“Merry Christmas!” She rushed into his arms. His strong hug and the sweet kiss that followed made this the unequivocal best Christmas morning of her life. Quite a feat, considering the special holidays she’d shared with Harper and Hannah in recent years.
This was so different. Better, yes, but it wasn’t a fair comparison. From the tip of her head to her toes, she felt so wonderful thanks to the man in front of her. He helped her see a potential life she’d been scared to look at directly. Somehow, when he was close, she could picture the full life she’d been running from without even realizing it. Too scared to hope the good stuff could last. Too willing to settle for a little piece of happiness when she could have the whole treasure.
“Merry Christmas,” Connor repeated. His tender lips feathered over her cheek as he rocked her gently side to side.
She leaned back. “Did you see the messages from Jess?”
“I did.” He nuzzled her neck. “I have another update.”
“Tell me!”
He held her chin gently. “You’re a hero.”
She pushed him aside. “Stop.” She couldn’t bear any more compliments.
He seemed to sympathize with her discomfort, easing back. “All right.” He tipped his head to the insulated carafes on the counter. “Hot chocolate or coffee? Room service just delivered a full breakfast.”
“I need a half and half,” she decided. “Everything smells too good.” Once it was filled, she raised her mug in salute. “Merry Christmas, Connor.” She vowed to say it all day long. “You’ve made this the best one ever. Thank you.”