Page 18 of Cruel Daddy Dragon
“No!”Georgia gasps playfully when she sees, “Not another one! Our squad of single ladies is already on the edge of disaster thanks to these twotraitors!”
She gestures to Julie and Lena, who both start laughing.
“Oh, please!” Bernadette chuckles, “Like you wouldn’t go for it ifanyof these fellas hit on you. It wouldn’t even matter which one, would it?”
“You’re just talking for yourself, Bern,” Peyton chimes in.
“For once, I don’t think I am!” Bernadette says, “I mean, I’d work my way through every one of them if it was up to me, but not one of you can look at me and tell me you wouldn’t!”
She looks between all of us, challenging us with her gaze. All the other girls burst into giggles, but I fight to even keep a smile on my face.
“So… which one is it that’s got you distracted, Sheriff?” Bernadette asks, “Are you with any of them? Sneaking off to be with one of them like the other two did?”
Suddenly, I’m faced with every one of their curious stares, and it feels like a firing line. I pause for a moment—but then Lena leans forward a little.
“Oh!” she gasps, “The baby’s kicking!”
“Oh, my god!”
“Let me feel!”
They get up from their chairs and gather around Lena—I’m suddenly forgotten. The girls gather around her for a short while. I don’t get up to feel her belly again, but I get that same feeling I got at the door again. A reminder of that old fantasy of mine, having a baby…
I’m pulled back to reality when Lena speaks again.
“Ah, sorry, Girls,” Lena says, “I guess they decided to stop. Great timing, right?”
The book club grumbles and goes back to their chairs. I’m still forgotten, and the conversation moves on to more baby-related topics. As it does, Lena catches my eye and gives me a reassuring smile.
Thanks, Lena.
It’s a late night, and luckily, my marital status doesn’t come close to being mentioned again before all the girls stumble home to sleep off the wine. Soon enough, it’s just Julie, Lena, and me.
“I think you should just talk to him, to be honest,” Julie says quietly.
“That’s a veryyouanswer, Julie,” I murmur, pouring the last drop from the last bottle into my wine glass.
“I think she’s right,” Lena adds, “I mean, what else can you do to fix this?”
It is a decent point—I’m just worried … about what could happen when we do end up alone again to talk.
“Good point,” I concede, “But—”
“No buts!” Lena laughs and pushes the small of my back gently, “He’s in the house somewhere. Just go and talk to him!”
I groan and stand up.
“All right. Fine,” I sigh, “Wish me luck then.”
Chapter 7 - Rufus
“What do you think they’re talking about?” I ask.
“Huh?” Orion grunts, “Nothing interesting. Just town gossip… and us, probably.”