Page 55 of Cruel Daddy Dragon
“I wouldn’t expect you to protect me,” she answers, “And I wouldn’t even expect you to bring me into fights. What happened today—hopefully—won’t be what I always have to do.”
“Good,” I say.
“But,” she presses, “they did kidnap me, and we don’t know why. There, I wasn’t doinganything.I wasn’t getting involved with dragons inany way.”
Sarah steps closer, her green eyes flinty.
“Theycame tome.I wasn’t doing anything except a regular police patrol.”
“I understand that—” I start, but she cuts over me.
“And we don’t know why,” she says, “Which should tell us that I need to be able to protect myself at all times. If I’m going to get attacked randomly, then I will need to be able to fight them because I’m not going to run and hide.”
“Sarah, you need to leave it to us,” I snap, “You can’t protect yourself with guns—the only thing you can do is let us keep you safe.”
I step closer to her and put my hand on her arm. She doesn’t completely lose her professional air, but she does soften a little.
“We… I can’t protect you when we’re in the middle of a fight,” I say, “But we can keep you safe if you let us. Stay with Lena and Julie, and we can protect all of you together.”
Sarah shakes her head. Then she shakes my hand off her arm.
“Am I just supposed to give up everything?” Sarah asks, “Am I just supposed to give up being a police officer? Being Greyson Ridge’s only sheriff?”
Finally, she breaks her professional air altogether and starts begging:
“You know what this means to me, Rufus! You know how hard I’ve worked to get here, how much I’ve wanted to help people around here! AndnowI’ve developed visions for people in danger—something that can help me help people more than ever—and you’re telling me I need to hide away?”
“It wouldn’t be forever. Just until the danger’s passed,” I plead, “Once we deal with Eclipse, you can go right back to your life as it was before.”
Sarah covers her face and groans in frustration.
“This is what I was scared of!” she snaps, “Losing everything because I dared to get together with someone!”
“Oh,please!” I shout back, “You don’t know what it’sliketo lose everything if you think this is it! Not being a police officer for a few months is not going to kill you! But Eclipse?! Theywillkill you, andI can’t lose another woman I love, Sarah!”
She pauses. We both pant for a moment, and it truly hits me what I’ve just said.
“What?” she murmurs after a moment.
I’m faced with the choice. In the end, I swallow and reply:
“I love you,” I say, “I can’t lose you to Eclipse, Sarah. I just can’t.”
Sarah just stares at me for a moment. Her green eyes are wide, her rose pink lips just a little wide, like she’s thinking about answering, but she can’t find any words.
I step forward.
“This is serious,” I murmur, “This isn’t me trying to underestimate you or how amazing you are. I just know what Eclipse is capable of. Please,pleaselet us protect you. Letmeprotect you.”
She still doesn’t seem to know how to respond. I put both my hands on both her shoulders. Sarah finally says something:
“I—I’m sorry.”
“For what?” I ask.
“For your loss,” she answers.