Page 59 of Cruel Daddy Dragon
I smile wanly.
“It’s that obvious, huh?” I answer.
“If there’s one thing Julie taught me, it’s that this fated mate thing isn’t exactly subtle,” she says.
I chuckle weakly.
“So what’s the problem?” Lena asks.
“Just… Rufus… he said he loved me.”
She blinks, her eyes wide, but she looks excited.
“Oh, wow. How did that happen?”
“Well… we were arguing, and he just kind of blurted it out,” I answer.
Lena starts giggling.
“Of course,” she says, “Maybe I didn’t need to ask.”
I smile weakly.
“It’s fine,” Lena says, “I’m telling you, Cyrus used to drive me crazy when I first met him again. In a good way, though.”
“Yeah,” I say, “That’s definitely where we’re at.”
“What did you say after he said he loved you?”
A prickling fear crawls over my skin.
“Uh, I—I didn’t really say anything,” I answer, “I didn’t know what to say.”
“Oh,” Lena says.
She doesn’t say anything for a moment. My stomach turns for a moment, and then I face her.
“Lena, I don’t know what I’m supposed to say to that,” I plead, “Am I supposed to say it back? This was only supposed to be a fake marriage, and now…”
I shake my head.
“Well…” Lena says gently, “I know he does love you.”
I look at her through the corner of my eye.
“You should have seen him after the kidnapping. He was so scared for you,” Lena says, “Honestly, he convinced me right then and there that he loved you.”
“But I don’t know if I love him back, Lena!” I exclaim, “Am I supposed to say it back now? What if I don’t and I say it anyway? I can’t do that to him! I’d be leading him on, and I don’t want to do that!”
“Well, how do you feel about him?” she asks, “Be honest.”
“I don’t know!” I insist, “I mean, we’ve been getting together lately, and yeah, I’ll admit that it’s been great. Like,reallygreat. He also rescued me a few times, and I’m really grateful for that, so I don’t want to hurt him. He’s an amazing person, Lena, and he doesn’t deserve to be strung along by me telling him I love him when I’m not sure…”
“He’s an amazing person, you say?” Lena says.
“Yeah,” I answer, “I really think he is. He’s brave and strong—and I respect anyone who stands up for the weaker person, you know?”
“Yeah, of course,” Lena replies.