Page 82 of Cruel Daddy Dragon
“I mean,Ihad to go through it alone at first!” Lena laughs, “You guys are late! But yeah, it’s nice to have other people to talk to about this. You know, people who won’t look at me like I’m insane when I say:“Hey guys, I’ve got electro-shock powers. Is that weird?”
She laughs. Julie giggles, and I find myself laughing a little too.
“I mean,” I offer, “it’s reassuring that we can dosomethingto protect ourselves if the dragons aren’t here.”
I say it mindlessly, but I feel the other two pinch up as I bring forth the horrid reminder that they’re not here.
But it’s fine.I tell myself,he’s coming back. He said he would. He’s coming back.
Just as I’m hoping and praying, Lena’s phone goes off. Her hand snaps into her pocket, and she brings it out and slams it to her ear with force:
“Hello?Hello?! Cyrus! Thank god!” she exclaims.
“It’s Cyrus?!” I’m suddenly on my feet, heart pounding with adrenaline.
“Is Kaius there?! Please tell me he’s there!” Julie begs.
“Is Rufus?!” The words slip out of my mouth. I hate how helpless those words sound in the air.
But Lena puts her phone back in her pocket with an arched smile.
“Follow me.”
She gets up and walks back to the front of the police station—the reception area.
And there they are. All of them. They’re messy, they’re clearly exhausted, they’re covered in blood—but they’re here. They’re alive.
My eyes snap over to the ginger hair hanging over the top of them all, and everything else fades away. Everything’s blurred except for that gentle smile, those sweet freckles, those jade-green eyes. My feet move without thought. Rufus’s smile gets wider as I get closer.
“Hey,” he breathes.
I throw my arms around his neck and pull myself into his broad chest. I take in his spicy, dragon scent, tinged with the bitter scent of blood, but still so welcome nonetheless. His warm arms envelop me and crush me to him.
“You okay?” he asks.
I just nod. I feel like my throat is getting tighter. My eyes sting. I’m so relieved that I’m trying not to burst into tears right here and now.
“I told you I was coming back,” Rufus purrs, “I promised.”
I don’t answer, and I lean back a little bit. I move my hands to the back of his head, and those lips flicker in another smile before they lean to me.
They press softly on mine in a slow and savoring kiss—just the sweet feeling of enjoying each other’s lips for a second. Then, we break, and I lean my head on his chest.
“You did,” I murmur, “Welcome back.”
He keeps his arms around me for a long moment. I could be here forever—enclosed in his warmth and his smell and his taste…
“Rufus.” Evander’s voice cuts across the moment.
He looks over, removing his warm chin from the top of my head and making a cold gap in the hug.
Ugh. Damn it, Evander!
I look up, and Evander’s eyes look down at me, too.
“Sarah,” he says, “we need to get back to the house as soon as possible. We have some bad news to share with all of you.”
Chapter 26 - Rufus