Page 113 of Shattered Veil
Grass is always greener, I suppose.
Little Lia from the dance studio comes to mind, and with a few minutes left during the lunch break, Jory and the others go off with the lunch aides. I head into the admissions department to speak to a counselor. Fredricks Elementary offers several spots a semester to eligiblestudents for free. I don’t want to insult Lia’s mom, but Jory will be moving up to another grade next year, and I would love to work with Lia.
Sure enough, two spots are open, and the counselor holds one for me. I’d worked here for three years while getting my special ed certification. I’m so grateful they didn’t hold it against me for quitting after the Wesley debacle.
My phone rings before I leave the office, and with no kids in my charge at the moment, I reach for it.
But as I leave the office, I slam right into someone.
Even before I look at his face, I tremble in fear.
“Hello, Ella,” Wesley says my name roughly, and the emptiness in his eyes reminds me of the monster he tries to hide. “Still clumsy I see.”
I shiver at the reference, an excuse I’m sure he mentioned when someone caught sight of my bruises.
My phone is still ringing, and I glance at it.
One click to answer. One word from my mouth:Wesleyand this man dies.
Power is...intoxicating.
“I’m talking to you.”His loud voice turns heads.
Those eyes search the office secretaries watching us and he cracks a smile.
“Did you get your clothes? I figured you’d want them.” He’s all menace and delusion.
“You figured I’d want clothes I wore while you...”
His jaw ticks. “Care to finish that? We had our troubles.”
“Trouble?” I laugh nervously.
“Yeah. You. You were trouble. Forme.” He bares his teeth like a wolf.
“Then let me and my troubled ass get out of your way.” I back up and skirt around him.
Until he grabs my arm, stopping me.
I stare at the ugly, violent hand holding my arm.
You’re a dead man for touching me. I belong to Balor O’Rourke,I think with satisfaction, even though I’m shaking.
“It’s good to see you again,” Wes says, his gaze holding mine.
“I’m late for class.” I yank my arm from him and walk away, hearing that sickening sentiment in my head over and over.
By the usual looks I get from Kieran and Riordan at the Thursday meeting, I relax, knowing Lachlan didn’t blab about Ella being pregnant.
Eoghan sends a quirky smile my way and sits back, crossing an ankle over his knees with a wink, like he’s ready to ask for popcorn when I make my announcement.